Chapter 9 1/2:Hospital scene

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(This is during chapter 9.)
After Iko removed the helmet Amai was gasping in relief,the poison was starting to get to her.Every vein in her body had a burning sensation and she started to get feverish.
"Amai please stay awake,I don't want you to die."Iko said
"Iko please make it stop...please."Amai could feel pain start to grow in her chest.
"Don't worry;I'm taking you to the hospital."
After a few minutes Iko finally made it to the hospital Iko brought her in the hospital and the doctors took her into a room as they try to make the cure for the poison.
"Iko please don't leave me."Amai whined weakly
"It's okay Amai,I won't leave,I promise."Iko said.
When a doctor came in to check on her Iko asked if they can give her anything for her pain.
"I'm sorry but I'm afraid if we do she'll react negatively to it."He said.
"O...okay thanks anyways."Iko said.
Iko sat on the chair with his hands in his face on the verge of a break down.
Amai started coughing and sweating.
When Iko looked up to see if she was okay he saw blood dripping out her mouth.
"Holy shit,Amai are you alright?"Iko asked kneeling at her side.
" tired."She whined
"I know just stay with me please,I don't wanna lose you."Iko said
"Just stay awake and please don't try to talk."
It seemed like hours before one of the doctors came in with the antidote for the poison.After Amai was injected with the antidote her heart rate went from dangerously slow to the normal rate it was supposed to be.

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