chapter 10:Sick

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Amai has been asleep for more than two days now.Iko had taken her to the hospital three days ago.The doctors cured the poison but Amai was still unconscious.Iko had already tried everything to wake her up but nothing worked.Soon it was the last day of school.Principal Quill had requested to take Amai out of the hospital and take Amai with him and Iko to their beach house.The beach house had five bedrooms and three bathrooms.Iko gave Amai her own bedroom fast down the upstairs hall.After a couple days or so Iko noticed Amai start to get better.
Quill told Iko to go get food since shopping was his chore.About five minutes after Iko leaving Amai finally started to come to.She woke up in a strange room.The room had purple paint on the walls with a walk in closet and a bathroom.Amai slowly got up taking in her surroundings.She started to make her way down the hall over to the stairs when Quill started to walk up. "Ah!I see you're awake."Quill said " Where am I?"Amai asked "Your new home."Quill indicated "Here come watch television with me,Hell wives is on."Quill suggested.Amai nodded.
About half an hour later Iko came back and saw Amai. "Hey,are you feeling okay?"Iko asked nervously "Yeah,I'm fine just a little groggy."Amai answered.
Later the three of them went to town to get something to eat.As they were walking down the sidewalk Amai noticed some of the people start to whisper and give her a look of disgust.Amai put her tail down and slouched.Iko noticed this and lightly grabbed her left shoulder."It's okay,just ignore them." Iko said
"I know,I just don't want to remember what happened."Amai sighed.Later they went back home and watched t.v.
Amai felt like she was going to throw up so she went to the bathroom.Iko and Quill noticed how she rushed herself to the bathroom. "Go check on her."Quill whispered.Iko nodded and went after Amai.When Iko peaked his head through the partially open door Amai was still vomiting. "Hey,are you feeling alright?"Iko asked. "I don't feel so good."Amai moaned. "Here I'll help you into the living room."Iko insisted.
Iko put his hand on Amai's forehead to check her temperature. "I think you're coming down with something."Iko said.Iko tried to get Amai to stand but her legs collapsed from under her. "Shit..."Iko said panicking. "Iko,It's okay I'm fine."Amai said weakly. "Amai,no you're not,you're sick."Iko said trying to stay calm.Iko carried Amai to the couch. "Son,What is wrong?"Quill asked. "Amai got sick,she can barely stand."Iko answered "Here go to the store and get some cough medicine." "Shouldn't we take her to the hospital?"Iko asked. "No. It'll only make her worse."Quill replied
"What do you think made her sick?"Iko asked "I think it's a late side effect from the poison."Quill said
When Iko still lived with his mother he would always go to his mothers lab to help test dangerous serums on mice.One of those serums was a poison that could numb a persons entire body.If the mice were cured from the poison they would be feverish for the next couple days when they first wake up.
(End of flashback)
Iko went to go get soup and medicine while Quill layed Amai down in her room.Amai reverted to her dog form.
A few minutes later Amai got cold so she went to find a patch of sun.All of the curtains were closed so Amai tried went to the other rooms until she found a spot on the couch that was covered in sunlight.Quill went to sit until he saw Amai sleeping on his side of the couch.

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