chapter 9:brainwashed

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It was a warm summer evening about a few days before school ends for the summer when there was a huge space ship that had a Xventions logo written on it.Suddenly a bunch of purple and red robots started pouring out of the ship.Iko was at the other side of the school so he had no idea what was going on.Amai was in her dorm and opened the window to take a closer look.Amai was suddenly struck with a tranquilizer dart from one of the robots.She closed the window and tried to get out of the dorm to get help.When she dazily made her way to the 40 stories high staircase Amai ran into Sirius.Once she was able to reach him she passed out as soon as she realized it was safe. "Hey are you okay?"Sirius asked concerned.Before truly falling unconscious Amai could only manage to say two words: "Find Iko".
Sirius followed what she said by flying Amai's unconscious body to Iko.
Sirius knew he couldn't take the outside shortcut so he flew through the halls as fast as he could.As soon as Sirius was near the entrance there was an explosion causing Sirius to fall to the floor.His back felt like it was burning and his glasses were knocked off.Sirius crawled over to his glasses and put them back on.When his vision cleared he saw one of the robots taking off with Amai. "AMAI COME BACK!"Sirius yelled hopelessly.
Suddenly Sirius heard footsteps.He looked down the left hall and saw Perry running down the hall. "Sirius,what happened here?"Perry asked "Amai was taken by one of those bots and flown to that ship up in the sky."Sirius answered "We have to get her back!"Perry said.
Meanwhile Iko was at soccer practice when him and his teammates were informed about the school being attacked. 'Amai' Iko thought to himself. "Coach I have to go get something I'll be right back."Iko announced. "Please be careful."Coach John said (coach Jim's twin brother.)
Iko flew to the dorms when he passed Perry and Sirius. "Guy's are you okay,Where's Amai?"Iko asked "Amai was kidnapped and taken to the ship up to that ship."Perry said pointing to the ship.Iko looked over at the ship.Iko had recognized the logo from his past. ' Mom' Iko thought to himself. "I'm going up there." "You're not doing it alone,Iko."Perry said.
Meanwhile Iko's mom Laya was prepping Amai for her brainwashing helmet.Suddenly Amai started to stir.
"So your finally awake."Laya smirked
"Who are you?"Amai asked. "I'm Iko's mother."Laya answered "What are you gonna do to me?"Amai asked "I'm going to use you to build my own empire."Laya said.Laya walked over and grabbed the helmet.It was purple and red with a small metal part on the bottom reaching down to Amai's neck.Laya put the helmet on Amai's head and pushed a button on the right side.Suddenly Amai felt a long and sharp needle inject into her neck.Soon Amai couldn't do anything but sit on her knees.She could see and talk,but could only say certain words and could not control what she said or did.
Laya started typing on her computer,hacking into every electronic with a screen.Lidya put a movie camera in front of Amai adjusting it to only see Amai's face.
Meanwhile Iko,Lilly,and Perry worked on a plan while Sirius was in the infirmary.Suddenly all of their phones buzzed along with everyone else's. "It's Amai!"exclaimed Iko.They heard her speaking the same chant over and over: "You will all bow down to Laya""She is your new queen."
"What did she do to her?"Iko asked himself. "We have to hurry.She'll hurt her."Iko said "Who is that lady controlling Amai?"Perry asked "My mother."Iko answered "Why is she attacking the school?"Lilly asked "She wants me..."
"I'm going after her,now!"Iko growled
"We'll come with you."Lilly said.
The three of them flew up to the ship.
"We'll go through the wide vents."Iko suggested.The three of them crawled through the vents until they found Amai tied up In a strange room,wearing a small helmet. "No.not again!"Iko was on the verge of tears by now,but he held them in for Amai's sake."Iko are you okay?"Lilly asked "I don't want Amai to get hurt,knowing my mother she might."Iko sighed
"Don't worry we'll save her together."Lilly said.The three of them quickly changed into their animal form.Iko flew down to Amai taking down the camera.Lilly and Perry tried to find a way to safely get the helmet off. "Don't worry about the helmet right now,we have to take this ship down."Iko commanded.
Iko quickly changed back in order to be able to pick up Amai.Iko looked at the small vial in the neck piece filled with a green ooze.Suddenly Laya came in to check what was wrong with the broadcast.Iko knew he would have to get his mother arrested so he materialized his whip to tie her down. "You ill mannered child."Laya said "Shut it!"Iko said slapping a piece of tape on her mouth.Iko already knew how to park the ship so he did it in the football field.When Iko checked on the vial it was halfway gone.(the medicine is some kind of poison that makes her slowly sicker and sicker.)Iko grabbed the nearest hammer and smashed the vial. "I have to get this off her head!"Iko said to himself.Suddenly Amai started to talk again:"All will hail the emperess."
Iko found the door and rushed Amai inside.Perry and Lilly went to contact the police.Iko took Amai to the janitors closest to dismantle the helmet.
Once Iko got the helmet off he noticed Amai's veins were showing through her neck.
(End of chapter.)

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