chapter 1 ☆

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The nights in Tulsa are always quiet when there is no roaring mustang's coming to jump greasers.

On the soc side of town there was never really any trouble because they had amazing perfect little lives.

There was something differant about a group of kids in the odd town in Oklahoma. They all had differant things about them and things they wanted to do. But it was better off that they where so differant.

Dairene always walked the streets with confidence even when socs were to close for comfort , but on the inside she was scared.

Aspen walked with no problems as she was a soc , she never dared to walk on the greaser side of town. But she would still find herself to wonder.

Sodaapop only went to the DX because of work and then back home he was never one to get out , but sometimes he wants to live widly.

Darrel well he never had time to go out he was the father figure of his to younger brothers , sometimes he wish he could thrive like he did when he was younger.

Steve he was anywhere Sodapop was those two were like peas in a pod. The only reason they would separate is to go home , but sometimes it's because  Steve feels uneasy at the thought of being alone.

Two-bit on the other hand was never home he liked being out and about , sometimes he wonders if people would miss him if he wasnt around.

Jax he could stay home cause it ain't bad there he just doesnt wanna stay , he always wanted a challenge in life.

Dallas his home was the cooler really as he was always there but he lived in a spare room with his pal Buck , the poor kid only wanted to be cared for.

Ace he liked to live life on the wild side but he was really just a wannabe Dallas , but only because he hides behind a mask like personality.

Johnny he was never home and when he was he was getting the tar beat outta him , he never deserved it cause he was a good boy.

Ponyboy is a curious kid who likes to dream big dreams , he always has a question that boy if hes wants to know something he'll find out , sometimes he wants to get out and away from his brothers and Tulsa.

But these aren't thing that can be figured out because everyone has a reputation to uphold in Tulsa. It would be horrible if anyone let go of the wall they put up to protect themselves as they would just crumble away. Maybe they would go mad but only lord knows what would happened on a day like that.

On the cold windy night Aspen and her " friends " Sherri and Marcia are going out with there boy friends. Well Sherri and Marcia's boyfriends , Aspen was never the type to believe in love.

Sherri or Cherry Valance was a popular girl that had everything. The looks , the hair , the popularity , the money , the " hot " boyfriend , a spot on the cheerleading team. Anything that girl wanted she could have. Or that's what Aspen and anybody else really thought about the red head.

Marcia that girl was really a dark haired Cherry to Aspen. She was dating Randy but only because Bob was dating Cherry. She always looked up to Cherry because she had everything Marcia wanted. She would never admit it but she wanted to be just like her bestfriend.

Once the car full of socs was parked at the Nightly Double Bob started to drink which made Cherry upset. Then they fought making a show for everyone. " You always do this Bob it doesnt matter where we go" she screeched. " Baby where just having some fun , c'mon join us." he slurred.

Aspen rolled her eyes got out of the car and left to go sit somewhere. She hated when her " friends " fought , not because she cared honestly but because it brought attention. Something she didnt want. She is now realizing that she us sitting next to a girl. She can tell that shes a greaser because she smells strongly of smoke.

Once Aspen got bored of the movie she wanted to get to know the greaser.    "Um hi im Aspen " she said as nicely as possible to not make the greaser chick mad. " Good for you I'm Dairene "

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