chapter 6 ☆

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[ back to what happened to Dairene brought you by Johnny's jean jacket ]

Dairene's p.o.v

I rolled my eyes at how dumb Dally was. "Why were you following me Winston?" "To bother you of course." "Oh how fun." My voice oozing with sarcasm as I said that. "You should consider yourself a very lucky girl as I'm willingly walking with you." "Oh my my I'm practically on my knees for you." I pretend to faint in his arms. "Oh Dallas your so strong." I then laugh at how fun it was to mock him. "Laugh all you want man , you would be surprised how many girls come after me like that." I pretend to gag.

"Let's not talk about your sex life.Im starving man." "Let's go to the Dingo then." "I ain't got any money Dal." "Ok then I'll pay." I looked up at him confused , then I thought to make fun of his reputation a little. "You sure you ain't gonna steal nothin Dally." I winked at him playfully. "I wont man." He chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully.

We get inside the Dingo and sit at a booth. We sit there for a good minute just staring at one another taking in the features on the others face. With Dallas he had piercing dark brown eyes that at the right angle would look light brown. His hair was the same shade of brown as his eyes , it wasnt all greased up like most greasers he had just the slightest bit of grease in it.

Dallas p.o.v

We were lookin at each other in the eyes like if we were the only ones there. Her brown long hair goes down into a natural light brown almost blonde. Her brown eyes are almost like mine not to light but not dark enough to be close to black. Her eyes held such violance and dismay as if she was never happy. But when she smiled it was differant it looked like she could never frown but maybe that's just what I wanted to see.

Her scar ran beautifully from the top of her left eye brow to the bottom of her left eye. I got her a milkshake she asked for chocolate. "So doll tell me about yourself." "What do you wanna know Dal?" "What's your scar from." "Real simple a soc slightly grazed me with his switch blade when I got jumped one time." She said popping a fry in her mouth. She was lying straight through her teeth. I could tell she was lying by her eyes.

"Take a picture sweety it'll last longer." I then take her milkshake and take a sip of it , she slaps my hand frantically. "He fuck face get your own milkshake." She then gets her straw and flips it around. I roll my eyes at her. "Did you really need to do that." "Yea I dont want any disease you might have." "Oh yeah name one I might have." I lean in over the table. She then leans close towards me. "Cooties." I  chuckled. "Cooties really Dairene , this ain't kindergarten."

Dairene's p.o.v

"Well well well , look who we have here a delinquent and a hood sharing lunch." Wow just as I was getting somewhere with Winston he ruins it , like he does everything else. I leaned away from Dally. "Oh like your any better you fucking low life scum." If you guessed this pain in the ass to be Ace Carter then your right. "Awwh babe dont treat me like that I was just swinging by when I saw you and your lovely new boyfriend." He then sat next to me in the booth and put his arm around me.

"Shes a great broad ain't she Winston real fiesty too." He called me fiesty as I tried to get him off of me he wouldn't budge though. "Get your mists off me scrub." He was ti strong and Dal looked pissed. "No babe why dont we have some fun." "Get off my girl Carter." Oh great. "You gonna make me Winston." Wow this is the best day ever. "Yea I am man." Dally then grabs Ace by the caller of his leather jacket and throws him off of me. I smirked at his actions.

He then jumps on top of Ace and slugs him in the face 5 times. Ace being the pain he is grabs Dal and slams him on the table of the booth and punches in the face twice and slams his head on the table. Dal grabs his hair that was heavily greased and slams his forehead on the table of the booth then kicks Ace in the stomach when he falls to his knees. One of Ace's hench men come to hit Dal but I bring out a switch blade , I put it to the guys neck. "You touch my man and I'll skin you , you hear me dollface." He nods his head frantically and runs away. I see the fuzz pull up the the front of the Dingo.

I take Dally's hand in mine and run out of there. But before that he screams "Stay the fuck away from my babygirl Carter." I smirked when he said that and felt some heat rise to my cheeks. When we go outside it was late so I knew he was gonna offer to take me home. "Hey Dal." "Yea." "Thanks for having my ass back there." "It was no big deal man. Say do you wanna stay at my place tonight." "Only if you let me fix you up babe." I winked. "Ofcourse babygirl." He jokingly put his arm around me but I liked it alot.

When we got to his room at Bucks he gave me a shirt to wear it was dark gray and a bit big on my body but beggers cant be choosers. "You take the bed I'll take the floor." No fucking way. "No you take your bed it's yours Dal." "Dairene I sleep in it everyday let me take the floor." "No Dal I'll take the bed but at least lay with me I dont want you uncomfortable. "

Dally's p.o.v

"No Dal I'll take the bed but at least lay with me I dont want you uncomfortable." She said with such sweetness in her voice. I cocked an eyebrow at her but gave in. "Fine but only cause you want to sleep with me so badly." I said mockingly and winked. "Shut your trap Dal." I take off my shirt and lay in bed with Dairenes body close enough to know she was there. For once I feel asleep peacefully.

Dairene's p.o.v

Dally lays down in bed with me , his body close enough so I can feel his warmth. "Night fuck face." He replied back with quiet snores. I smile to my self , for once I feel alseep safely.

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