chapter 2 ☆

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Aspen's p.o.v

Oh this is great , just fucking great. I already knew who this girl was a delinquent who doesnt care about any authority once so ever. She isnt just any greaser chick shes a hood. But maybe shes not as bad as everyone says.

" Yea I gues- " " Hey Aspen who's your friend " Cherry says. I mentally roll my eyes to the back of my skull. " I ain't no ones friend you thick broad " Dairene spat. I grew uncomfortable so I tried to jump in. " This is Dairene " I said giving Cherry the face as to shut her trap , if she even knows how too.

" Whatever I'm not gonna waste my time on some low life hood , c'mon Marcia let's get a coke." " Ok Cherry " Just as the girls left a gang of greasers came and sat behind us there was only three of them.

The tallest boy had brown hair and brown eyes that had a look of hatred and anger in them. The shortest boy look maybe fourteen or fifteen he had very greasy brown hair and piercing brown eyes that held wonder. They had a tan boy with them who had dark black long greasy hair with dark brown eyes almost black , his eyes looked full of fear.

They sat in the row behind us and the tallest was very loud. The other two were pretty quiet especially the tan boy. Most of the time he looked like a deer caught in head lights. " Pony quick starring at the broad and talk to her. " " I'm not starring Dal I'm looking at the movie. " The youngest looking one said in an annoyed way.

" Can you stop your bugging me and im trying to watch a fucking movie." Wow these guys are more annoying then I thought if they made Dairene lose her cool so quickly. " I'm sorry doll face but I gotta say you have quite the temper. " Oh good God. Dairene then stood up and turned around. People yelled for her to sit down.

She got real close to the guys face and basically threatened the guy. " Listen here doll face I would honestly love for you to shut your trap and let me watch this movie so be a doll and shut the fuck up , or I'll do it for you. " " Oh sweety I'm not nice but may I interest you in a coca-cola or 7-up "

The tan boy spoke up " Cut it out Dal." That's when I realized that's Dallas Winston one of the most dangerous hoods in all of Tulsa. Dallas and Dairene were to busy glaring at each other to hear the boy. She then grabs my coca-cola and before she can pour it on him , a boy around my age shows up.

" Hey Two-bit. " " Hey Pony , Johnny , Dally what's crackin. " " Oh just trying to watch a movie. " The Pony kid says. " That's boring ain't it , Dally already picked up a broad ain't that right Dal." Before Dallas could answer Dairene cut it. " As if I would ever go for that trash. " " Oh ok then. " Two-bit says kinda shocked how she was so close to Dallas and didnt like him. " Takes one to know one babe and you were all over me a minute ago. "

I finally looked at the Two-bit boy and I felt as though my jaw had dropped. "Aspen your drooling. " Oh my gosh what a good time for Cherry and Marcia to come back. " Oh please Marcia. Can we go I hear Mickey is gonna be on soon. " "You and that mouse Aspen grow up already will you." " No Cherry I wont grow up. " I once again roll my eyes.

Soon enough the movie ended. With that Cherry and Marcia finally left and I decided to sneak away from them. I was walking with Dairene talking about school and the fuzz. Till I here the roar of a mustang. " Aspen lets go what are you doing with a bum like her." " I know you didnt call me a bum you rat." She really had the nerve to talk to Randy like that. Bob then clenches his fist in anger. " Let's go Aspen I dont wanna waste my time on a trashy broad like her." Two-bit , Dallas , Ponyboy , and the boy I learned to know as Johnny came. Two-bit held his black switch blade and said " If she doesnt want to go she doesnt have too."

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