SuperArrow/DarkSiren Elseworlds part 1

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A/N: Hi! this is my first fanfiction in english, but I ran it through multiple grammar sites and spelling as well, but be kind please. Also I was allowed by WritersBlock039 to use her stories as a backround for my story. And this is going to be a multiple shot.

Kara had fallen asleep early the night before, because she was really sleepy, which didn't happen often, so it would have confused her had she not been so tired.

When she woke up though she immediatly knew something was wrong though. This wasn't her bed.

There was an arm around her waist, and she looked and saw, Malcolm, sleeping next to her. And she wasn't clothed. At all.

'Oh god!' Kara thought. 'This has to be a dream. Nope, it couldn't be a dream, I would never dream about this, god!'

She felt Malcolm get up and thought of all the possibilities as to how this could have happened.

Then it hit her. Time travel. She was going to kill Barry when she saw him.

She got up and looked around, she saw the dresser and opened it. These didn't look like her clothes, but that didn't bother her.

She went into what she assumed was the kitchen, because this wasn't an apartment she was familiar with.

She saw Malcolm and he came up to her, and said, "Good morning Laurel," and kissed her.

Kara pulled away quick, not expecting that and said, "Wait what?"

"Are you okay?" Malcolm asked.

"I-" Kara started before she heard a door open.

"Hold that thought," Malcolm walked off and she heard him say, "Slade, you have your own apartment, stop coming to ours every morning."

"Good morning to you too, wizard," Slade said.

"Its too early for this," Kara said, purely out of instinct like she had said that every morning. But she hadn't. 

'They think I'm Laurel, but how would I know to say that if I wasn't Laurel?' Kara thought.

"... Laurel, earth to Laurel," Slade was talking to her.

"What? Sorry," Kara said.

"Oliver called us, we have to go," Slade said.

"Shotgun," Malcolm said, and Kara said it at the same time, out of instinct again.

"Double shotgun, you can sit on my lap," Malcolm said.

"No, nevermind," Kara said.

"You've never refused before, mainly because it avoided fights," Slade said.

Was this really what they fought over? Kara wondered.

"What's up with you, you keep ignoring us," Malcolm said.

"Laurel what's wrong," Slade asked.

"I'm not Laurel," Kara blurted out.

"Of course not." Malcolm sighed. "Because we can't have a normal week."


As soon as Laurel woke up she knew something was wrong. She wasn't in her bed. And she was clothed. She knew for a fact she didn't have clothes on when she went to bed last night.

She turned over, and the bed was empty. She got up and could smell pancakes cooking. And suddenly she could see through the wall. And she saw Oliver, shirtless, and then the Lazers came out of her eyes.

She saw Oliver look around, laugh and say, "Angel, you've got to stop doing that, we have to fix the walls every time."

Laurel raced into the kitchen and said, "Oliver."

"Yeah Angel?" He set pancakes in front of where she was standing.

"I'm not Kara," Laurel said.

Kara, Slade and Malcolm were in the car now, Malcolm was sitting in the back.

"If you aren't Laurel, who are you?" Malcolm asked. 

"Kara," Kara said.

"Oh crap, Kara, I'm so sorry," Malcolm said.

"Wizard what did you do?" Slade asked.

"In my defense, I thought she was Laurel, and its magician," Malcolm said.

"So, what do you think made this happen?" Slade asked.

"At first, I thought, maybe Barry," Kara said.

"I will kill that little-" Malcolm said.

"Buuuut, this seems a bit beyond time travel," Kara interrupted him.

"Oh, I'm still watching him," Malcolm said.

"Shut up wizard this is serious," Slade said.

"Honestly," Kara sighed, putting her forehead on the glass.


"So, you're Laurel, not Kara," Oliver said. "This is a whole new level of weird."

"Really, is it!? You aren't the one living another person's life!" Laurel yelled.

"So you definitely aren't Kara," Oliver said.

"No shit," Laurel muttered.

"Who did this though?" Oliver asked.

"I have no idea, so I'll blame Barry," Laurel said.

"When in doubt, blame Barry," Oliver said with a smile.

"Should we tell people?" Laurel asked him.

"Yeah, I'll tell everyone to head to the bunker," Oliver said.

"Okay, let's go," Laurel said.


Malcolm and Slade were bickering the WHOLE way there. 

No matter how many times Kara told them to shut up. They would just end up bickering again.

"We're here," Slade said.

"Thank god! You two are the worst!" Kara yelled getting out of the car.

"Its not my fault he's the worst," Malcolm said.

"I was talking about both of you," Kara said.

They walked into the bunker and saw Laurel and Oliver, with Laurel wearing Kara's clothes.


AN: That's all, thank you very much, I'll continue this later.

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