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Laurel and Slade were in the same bed, which had never happened before. Laurel felt a tug on her blankets, and she tugged back. Were they really fighting over the blankets.

She turned over to look at Slade.

She smiled sweetly at him and said, "Give me the blanket back."

"You have some," Slade said.

"Not enough," Laurel said.

"I can't give you anymore without feeling uncomftorable myself, you'll still feel uncomftorable, and the where will we be," Slade said.

"There is a solution to the problem," Laurel said. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself in closer, and suddenly they were cuddling.

"This works much better see. Now we both have room."


A/N: Very short, but very cute.

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