SuperArrow/DarkSiren Elseworlds part two

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"Hey, thanks for coming,we have to tell you something," Oliver said.

"That isn't Kara," Malcolm blurted out. 

"Shut up wizard!" Slade said. "God!"

"I'm sorry?" Oliver asked surprised.

"That's Laurel, this is Kara," Malcolm pointed to Kara.

"Oh, thank god you realized it," Laurel said.

"So who did this?" Kara said.

"Well, until we see any further evidence, we're blaming Barry," Oliver said.

"So we need to go see Barry, is what you're saying," Malcolm said.

"Yep," Laurel said.


"What did I do, why are you all glaring at me?" Barry said as soon as they got into the cortex.

"Did you time travel, because these two, their lives are are switched," Oliver said.

"I didn't do it! Not even I could make a change this big!" Barry said.

"Then who did?" Kara asked.


His name was John Deegan, and he switched their lives, because he thought it would be fun. Jackass.

They found him and they tried to mae him turn them back. Malcolm, Slade and Oliver got into an argument about Batman, and they met Batwoman.

Eventually they got switched back. But, they were stuck in a different reality this time. It was even worse than the last one

But they managed to stop him. Laurel didn't even want to know what Oliver did. Still, something about the Monitor, didn't sit right with her, even after he left.


A/N: It was a little shorter than I wanted it to be, due to being very tired, but I tried.

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