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Laurel was sitting at home, reading a book, and waiting for Slade and Malcolm to come home, because she had sent them to the store.

Her phone started ringing, and she looked and saw Malcolm.

She picked up the phone and said, "What?"

"Help! Slade left me here!" Malcolm said.

"I'm sorry, he left you at the store!? You aren't five Malcolm, get yourself home," Laurel said, laughing a bit.

"But I don't have a car, and it's raining," Malcolm said.

"Ugh, fine, I'll come pick you up," Laurel said, getting up and grabbing her keys. "I will kill Slade when he gets home."

"Yes, do it," Malcolm said.

"Seriously," Laurel said.

"I have no sympathy for him, he left me here on purpose. I know he did because he laughed like a maniac while he drove away," Malcolm said.

"Of course he did," Laurel sighed. "I'll be there in a minute."


When she got there, Malcolm was waiting for her trying not to get soaked. It wasn't working too well.

"Come on," Laurel said. He climbed in the car and she handed him a towel. "I figured you would get soaked."

"Thank you," Malcolm said.

"So what exactly did you do to make Slade leave you here?" Laurel asked.

"We may have gotten into an argument about who's a better fighter," Malcolm said.

"Again? Why would you do that when he has the keys?" Laurel asked.

"I wasn't thinking very smart, and I forgot he had the keys," Malcolm said.

"Of course," Laurel said. "We're here, dry off and then you can come sit on the couch with me."


They got in and Laurel found Slade in the kitchen.

"Why would you leave him there. Usually I would applaude you, but I had to go pick him up," Laurel said.

"Why didn't you just ignore him?" Slade said.

"Because it was raining, he sounded desperate, and the store is very far away, so I didn't want him to walk," Laurel said. "You will apologize to him, so I don't have to hear him bitch and moan about this."

"Alright," Slade agreed.

Malcolm came in a few minutes later, and put his arm around Laurel's waist, while glaring at Slade.

"Sorry I left you there," Slade said.

Malcolm smiled and said, "It's okay, I would have done the same thing."

Guys are weird, Laurel decided.

"Come on, let's go watch T.V," Laurel said.

"I want to watch Brooklyn 99," Malcolm said.

"No, Chicago Fire," Sladesaid.

"Or, comprmise, The Good Place," Laurel said.

"Deal," They both said.


A/N: Super fluffy, I know, I'm in fluff mood

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