Chapter 1

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Cold. Cold, quiet, stone is all that I know now. That and the voices. I never heard them before. Or maybe I did, but the everyday hum of society drowned them out? I don't really know anymore. I've been here for so long. I think it's a tower because I can see sunlight through the cracks but I could be wrong. I could be somewhere else, Hell I could be dead and this is what eternal torment feels like, but it'll kill me if those bible thumpers are right about "God" and all that bull. I hear footsteps occasionally outside what I think is the door to this room.

The voices have been getting louder the past couple of days, like they've been whispering this hole time, now they're screaming, trying to be heard. They won't go one at a time no that would be to easy for me. They insist on screaming all at the same time, making it so I don't know what anyone wants.

I don't remember much from before this. I know my name is Scarlett. I know I'm seventeen. I have black hair and pale skin. I had a best friend named Antonio. I was dating a toxic boy named Joseph. That's where it all ends though. It's like nothing else happened, or my memories don't want to be remembered.

I start to hear water drops hit the roof outside the room. "Great," I mumble, "As if this Hell isn't cold enough."

I tug on my chains, trying to wrap my arms around myself to conserve heat and stay warm, try to stay alive so that I can see the friend and boyfriend that I remember, wishing that I could figure out where I am and why I'm here.

I hear heavy footsteps outside of my "room", heavier then the footsteps that I normally hear, like they're wearing boots. I listen a little more carefully, trying to ignore the other voices speaking, more then likely those are just in my head. Hearing a man's voice, deep and smooth.

"I don't care what you want asshat. She's suffered long enough...... What the Hell is that supposed to mean!" He sounds like he's talking on a phone or something. " I know what she is yes, but she's also our sister you dipshit--"

"Dipshit", something about that word sends me back into my memories. "Hey babe," I greet my giant of a boyfriend .

"Hey Scar," he snakes his arms around me as I hug him, crossing his wrists at the small of my back, his hands groping my ass. "How have you been?" He asks, leaning away his eyes looking lower then they should be.

I hunch my shoulders a little under his gaze, "I've been fine, sweetie, how about you?" Shifting from foot to foot as I wait for his answer.

He chuckles and brings my hips closer to his from his grip on my ass, "I've missed you an awful lot," he lowers his voice, whispering in my ear, "and so has little Joe. Maybe you should play with him."  He winks making the question sound more like a statement then anything else.

I squirm a little bit, unnerved from the direction he wants to go in with this conversation. "Babe I don't know if-"

"Listen dipshit, if I say your gonna play with my cock, guess what you're gonna do?" He says, his hand traveling from my ass, up my side, roughly grabbing my breast, and then lifting my chin to make me look him in the eyes. "You are gonna play with my cock."

I shudder back to reality, fear running through my veins. Like I said, what I remember and what comes back, of my boyfriend, make it seem like the relationship we had was more toxic then a landfill.

"So you're taking Steve's side, Josh really? He put us through Hell, told us that one day, one of us would be king, and then he choose her to take over! And now you want to keep the sister that Erick sent away for her own protection, the one sister we still have that we can trust, locked up like a criminal, like one of Hope's soldiers, even though we all know that she doesn't even know any of us exist! Let alone that all of this was happening! Tell me Josh, will you still side with Cara after she's killed me and Erick and Scar too?" I hear him say, getting more and more confused by the second. Especially when he says my name. Was he taking about me when he was talking about a girl being locked up like a criminal? Is this whole argument about me?

"I'll see you at home Josh. And I will be bringing our sister  with me, so be nice when I get back. I love you too." I hear the foot steps stop just outside where I would imagine the door to be, and the door cracks open, sending a tiny bit of light into my desolate, barren room. I start shaking as he walks in, stopping in front of me, dropping to a crouch, facing my trembling, badly clothed form.

"Well big brother wasn't wrong when he said you look like an Olsen. My name's Sevrin."

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