Chapter 9

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My brothers look at me like I've died and come back from the grave. "What in the name of the Dark Lord did you just say?" Erick asks carefully.

"I think she said her name was Laura, you idiot," Sevrin scoffs, rolling his eyes at our older brother.

"Don't be rude, Sevrin!" Josh reprimands him. "He's just asking clarification."

I roll my eyes. "You guys are idiots." I start to walk towards the door.

"Just where do you think you're going?" I hear Erick ask in his 'older brother ' voice.

"I need air." And with that statement I slam the door behind me and walk to the elevator.

After I get down stairs I walk outside and go down the street in my right, paying attention to the street signs so I don't get lost.


I end up in an occult shop after about an hour. As I'm looking at a rack of 'talismans' that look like regular  necklaces, a guy walks up behind me.

"Are you curious about our specially made talismans?" He asks nicely, his voice sweet to the ear.

I shook my head, "I was just looking. They're really beautiful."

I looked up at his light green eyes, that are slightly familiar to me, hidden slightly behind a bit of what I can only describe as an emo swoop of light purple streaked, light brown bangs. The rest of his hair pretty short. He seems around six foot, kinda broad, in this trench coat-cloak thing, with black jeans.

"Why thank you. My name's Sage. If you need anything I'll be up front at the register." He held out his hand.

Sage. Where have I heard that name before? I swear I could know him from somewhere.

"No problem, Sage. I'm -" I hesitated there. I want sure if I should give him the name that I know the people in my old life knew me as, or the name my brothers keep calling me. If I tell him that him that I'm Scarlett, word might get to Cara that I'm out, and the guys were afraid of that happening. But if I tell him Laura, he may have heard of me, I don't know how well the horsemen were known.  I have an idea. "I'm Aurora," I shake his hand, "It's nice to meet you Sage. I'll let you know if I need anything."

He nods his head, his bangs flipping a little, and then walks towards the front of the store.

I heard the bell over the door ding, as another person entered the store. I tensed thinking it was one of my brothers coming to drag me back to that apartment, that I had just escaped from. I don't want to listen to them argue anymore.

Then I hear a girl talking to Sage at the counter. Her voice deeper then most girls but still defiantly female.  It's somehow familiar to me. I turn slightly around the talisman display and see her. She has blonde hair with purple tips. She's short, a little shorter then me, with short shorts on, a flannel tied around her waist, and a light purple tank top.

She and Sage start laughing and she rests her arm on the counter, saying, "We should really do that more often babe, that was really fun." I see her turn and when I see her face is when it hits me. I do know her.

We were sitting in a hall at a school. It's me and Sage with the girl who came into the store and called him 'babe'. I'm leaning against a wall next to them, looking at my phone while they wrestle over Sage's fake glasses he wears.

I decide to speak up before one of them gets hurt. "You know, Nicole, if you want to wear glasses, I have my old ones in my bag." Is that her name? Nicole?

She grunts as she gets to her knees in his lap, stretching to try and get the glasses that are now in his hand. "I don't want real glasses though. Those will give me a headache. I want his!"

Sage falls backwards, taking Nicole with him. "Well you'll have to fight me harder for them." He says with the patented Sage Sass.

I come back to the present when I hear Nicole try to talk to me. "Umm hello? Earth to girl staring at me and my fiance?"

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to I just, kinda, zoned out. It wasn't intentional." It's only a slight white lie.

"That's fine." She says and crosses her arms over her chest, and states with the Nicole attitude that I suddenly remember, "I'm  Nicole. You are?"

I wave slightly, "I'm Aurora. It's nice to meet you. "

She eyes me suspiciously. "You too." She walks away back towards Sage, glancing back at me as she goes.

I shake my head and go back to perusing the store. Wondering if these flashbacks will ever stop, or if I could just get everything back at once.

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