Chapter 13

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And then the darkness was back. The last thing I remember was playing pool with Carly, and now I'm back in the dammed dark. But this time there's people screaming. I can't hear a lot of what there saying, but one guy is very clear when I hear him yell, "Vampires!"

The one thought that ran through my head at that exact moment was, I am fucked.

I tried to follow the flow of the crowd of fae to exit the bar, but I felt the wind from the vampires speed as the ran through, taking the other creatures.

I remember feeling hands on my shoulders, and then everything was black.


My head is pounding, my back is throbbing and suddenly I miss my room in the tower a whole lot more then I thought I would. At least there I was mostly free of physical pain. But what I hear next makes my blood freeze solid.

"So the missing princess is awake finally, huh?"

According to my brothers, no one was supposed to know I existed when Erick took me to the west coast. I couldn't help the look of terror that came over my face.

"Aww is the little pwincess scared? Does she need her blankie?" The creature laughed as he circled around me, stopping and falling into a crouch to study me with his deep emerald eyes.

His longish blond hair falling in perfect ringlets around his pale face, his dark eyebrows creased in wonder as he examines me. I can feel the gooseflesh on my arms rose and a tremor rack my spine as his gaze travels over me. Something about the situation gives me Deja vu but I don't know why.

When he finally speaks, it's not what I would have expected to hear, and causes me to burst out laughing. "I thought you'd look more like that bitch queen sister of yours."

  This made no sense to me, considering when Erick, Josh and Sevrin told me about Cara, they said that we looked a lot alike, even if just in coloring.

"I think you have me confused with some one else, I'm sorry," I try to reason with him, my brain trying to find any possible way to explain this. " My name is Laura, I'm from Seattle, my brother's name is Georgie and he spent his life raising me. I don't know who this "Princess" is but sweetie it's not me. "

Considering that all I remember after that is blackness, I don't think he bought it.


When I come to, I'm chained to a wall, similarly to how I was while in the tower.

Why does this keep happening to me?

For some reason, this phrase, possibly coupled with the situation takes me back to another lost memory.

"You know, Queenie, this would go a lot quicker if you just told us where to find him," a tall, jacked guys tells me as he jams a switchblade into my shoulder.

I suck in a breath, trying to keep from showing pain, but I know my face betrays me. "I don't even know who you're talking about," I refute him. "Let alone who 'Queenie' is, asswipe."

He backhands me. I gasp as my head snaps to the side, my cheek starting to sting. "Cut. The. Shit." He stuck his face inches from mine. "You know exactly what I'm talking about," he grabs a fistful of my long, dark locks, and pulls harshly. "Where is To As De Infierno? " He enunciated every single syllable making me want to spit in his face more. "Where is The Ace Of Hell?"

I frowned, my mind filled with pain as I gathered all the saliva I had in my mouth, and spat at him. "Eat me."

He evidently didn't like that answer because he then decided to jam the blade into my thigh, causing me to scream. "Really? The Bad Bitch, Queen of Hell, is willing to scream but, is so loyal, she won't tell us where the Ace is?"

At that point I started to wonder just why everyone was hoping after me, and how I was always in this situation.


I was gasping as I came too, still chained to the walls, my eyes flicking around the room, trying to find an exit so that by some miracle, if I got un-chained I could escape. There was only one door.

As I was coming to terms with the realization that with only one door, one possible exit from this room, I was basically fucked, I heard a thud as something heavy hit the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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