Chapter 6

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Authors note///
So I think this next chapter should have a maturity warning. It will touch on the topic of domestic sexual assault and imply domestic violence. This will be a heavy theme through the story. If this is triggering, or uncomfortable, to any readers, please stop now.

Josh sighs, "Erick do you want to explain it to her? If you don't I'll do it, I have no issue with it, but you're the oldest here. It's your call."

Erick contemplates what Josh told him, his eyes going unfocused for a few seconds. "I'll do it. The two of you have explained enough to be off the hook for this one." He glares at Sevrin, presumably because he's the reason I known what happened to the Barrett family and the death of the shifters.

Sevrin tries to hide behind me a little, as Erick leans back against the couch, "A fair warning, baby sister, this story is not A pretty one. Nor is it short. Our family has a history of violence and that doesn't end with blood," as he says this, I see Josh look down at his feet, his eyes getting a bit of a glaze over them, as his shoulders tense, "Are you sure you would like too hear this story?"

I look my eldest brother directly in the eye, "Yes. I need to know, if I don't, I could end up making history repeat itself or some bullshit like that. Plus I could end up pissing off Cara, and Sevrin and Josh have both implied very heavily that she's pretty powerful here."

Sevrin mutters under his breath, "That's an understatement," like he doesn't expect anyone to be able to hear him. 

Josh gives his younger brother the look that a disappointed parent would give a child who got caught with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar. "She's still our sister dumbass....." and everything after that That Josh said just faded out into background noise for me.

That word, 'dumbass', it had the same effect that 'dipshit', had had on me when Sevrin called Josh that when they were on the phone, before Sevrin for me out of that room. One of my memories decided that it was a nice time to make itself known.

I'm sitting on this brown leather couch, wearing a Bring Me The Horizon tee shirt that's very large on my short, pale body, with little black shorts on underneath. My legs are out in front of me bent a little, in a bit of a triangle, while I watch Joseph walk into the room from somewhere else.

He licks his lips, running his hand across his bare upper chest, "Mmmm, babe, you got all dressed up for me?" He sounds a little sarcastic, but I can't help noticing how his eyes stay on my legs, specifically where they disappear under the shirt, where it leads to the hidden shorts underneath.

I laugh slightly, "I don't know what you're talking about, given that I'm in my pajamas, but whatever you would like to believe babes." I look up at him as he reaches the couch, lifting my legs a bit, sitting down, and placing my feet in his lap.

He starts to play with my toes, slowly massaging my feet, giving me a look I can't quite decipher off his face, "You know that shirt, the way it sits on your little body, is doing wonders for little Joe's imagination," he smirks a bit as he moves higher to my calf, trying to work out the knots in my muscles that aren't even there.

I giggle a little uneasily, "Well, he must have a pretty good imagination." I shift a little as his hands climb my leg higher.

"Oh he does," I don't even have to look at him to know that he's smirking like the car that caught the canary at this point. And that story never ends well for the canary.

I try to inch my self a little bit away from him, trying to avoid a predator versus prey scenario, because those kinds of things between the two of us, have never ended well. But he sees what I'm trying to do, and he grabs my other leg, pulling me towards him, my legs over his lap, my ass next to his hip.

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