Chapter 8

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"Why do the three of you fight so much?" I question them.

Sevrin scoffs, "We're siblings, don't you know. We're not supposed to get along all the time."

Josh looks at me quizzicaly. "Or do you not know. Did you have siblings growing up over in Seattle?"

I furrow my eyebrows, "No. I had friends I was so close to that I called brothers, I think, but no siblings from my "parents". "

Erick groans, "Great. There's going to be an even bigger adjustment period then I thought."

"Would you stop being an ass?" I snap at him. "I didn't ask for this! You forced it on me, and now I don't remember, basically anything about my past or who I am! And the only flashes I get have mostly been awful! Can you give me a little slack here!"

Sevrin starts clapping and Josh looks at me like I've grown two heads, and just told them I'm pregnant with some otherworldly spawn. Erick seems unaffected, if not a little guilty. "I'm sorry you feel that way, little sister. I was just trying to keep you I safe."

I hang my head, running my fingers through my long, dark hair, "No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped like that. It's not your fault."

"Except it kinda is," I hear Josh mutter, then Sevrin smacks his arm. Apparently I'm not the only one who heard.

"But may I ask something?" I look around at my brothers. "Well two somethings."

"Sure," Sevrin shrugs nonchalantly.

Erick then smacks the back of his head. "You probably won't be able to answer it, you little gremlin."

Faintly I hear them continue to argue over Sevrin's intelligence, but my mind drifts after hearing the word "gremlin". It's weird how it's all been coming back more and more since Sevrin for me out of the Garden.

I'm in this room, it looks like a garage, but it has a few punching bags, and a treadmill. I think whoever's this is, they turned it into a training room, or a gym of sorts.

I hear someone coming to the door leading in to the room. I turn to get a look at them as they come in. It's a man around my height, maybe an inch or two taller. He looks latino, with shaved sides of his head, but a long, floppy too section of his hair.  His muscular arms on display with his loose, Avenged Sevenfold muscle tank. Some scarring visible on his side's.

His deep chocolate eyes meet mine as he says, "Oh, Famine, you're early. I thought you wouldn't be here for another half hour."

I roll my eyes, "Really Georgie? You know I hate being know by the Sins, and the Demons under us as the weakest Horseman."

He laughs, his voice rich and smooth. "Well, you chose Famine, Laura. You knew full well that Famine was the weakest in the lore. And it fits you, I needed to help you open the sauce for the rotini last night. You are a little noodle armed. "

I scoff, wondering if Laura really was my name. "Well not all of us could be known as "Death", Mister Buttface."

Now it's his turn to roll his eyes. "How many times have the guys and I said you need to work on your insulting skills, Hermanita? They're weak as fuck."

"Ugh, " I groan, swinging my arms back and forth next to me. "Just fight me already! I need a good one, Pestilence and War are refusing to actually teach me, Georgie. They're just letting me win!"

He sighs, "Because we can't risk you getting hurt and dying, Famine. You're the queen you have--"

"Responsibility for our soldiers, and are a symbol of hope for getting the Angels out of the our territory, yea I get it Death. I do." I cross my arms across my chest, my blue runners tank rising up my abdomen a little. "But how can I keep them safe if I can't even defend myself, because you, Pest, and War won't teach me how to? "

That earned silence from him for a few moments. "Because we might end  forgetting that you're you, that you're Laura, you're Famine. The closest thing to a sister we have, and actually try to hurt you. That's why we let you win the sparring matches all the time."

"But that's not working Georgie. I'm not learning anything." I implore him to try and see this my way. "And if I can't defend myself that's just gonna put more stress on you and the guys and one of you is gonna start relapsing. I don't want to see one of you overdose on our own product. "

He laughs. "That's not gonna happen, Hermanita. "

"But it could! And I could loose my family, not the assholes raising me, you and the guys. I'm not taking that chance. I promise I won't be a sore loser, just please, " I look up at him with my big blue eyes. "Spar with me and teach me."

He laughs again, crossing his arms over his chest. "Fine. I'll spar with you. " He turns and gets the knuckle tape so we don't hurt our hands too badly. "But I swear to Lucifer, this never happens again if you turn into a little gremlin when you lose." He smirks.

And with that I'm suddenly in the present. "My name to them was Laura."

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