Chapter 5

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"Wouldn't the humans realize if a large portion of the population in one area just suddenly died?" I ask confused, " I means, how do you hide something like that? "

Josh looks at me with defeated eyes. "I don't know. This happened right after Richard took over for his father. Our own father, Steven hadn't even been born yet. All of the events of the time are used as a cautionary tale for generations too come, so that we don't make the same mistakes."

At this Sevrin rolls his eyes. "Though I don't see why, because all the current families in charge get along with each other, and no one wants the change the Barretts did."

" Thats because no one wants to be stupid enough to be the reason their species ends up like the Barretts did, " a new voice says. It's deep, troubled, like that of a man whose seen too much in their life.

"Nice of you to finally join us, big brother," Sevrin replies, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he slowly turns and faces the newcomer to the conversation.

"Nice of you to finally exit your black pit of a bedroom and grace us with your presence, baby brother. I hope it wasn't too much of a bother," our brother tells him snidely, "After all, we wouldn't want you to have to act like an adult now that you're twenty-one, now would we?"

"Really Erick, can we not have this flight again?" Josh pleads, " At least say 'Hi' to the sister you made him go get from the garden. "

That's when I actually get to look at my third brother, the oldest of my living siblings from what I can infer. He's looks around thirty.  He has dark hair, unlike our blond brothers, but it's not as dark as mine, more of a dark, rich brown.  He's wearing a nice looking navy blue suit, with a black tie and dress shoes. He's short compared to Josh, but still taller then Sevrin, standing at around 5'9". His hazel eyes curious and calculating as he scans them over me. His skin is a contrast to Josh's, Sevrin's, and my own. Unlike our milk complexions, his is more of an olive, speaking to his mother's family I'm guessing.

"So this is little Scarlett Aurora?" He asks softly, looking at me with less curiosity and more concern now.

I say, "Unless you hid a different sister from her mother seventeen years ago, yeah."

Chuckling, "Yeah it's defiantly her, there's the Olsen attitude right there." He shakes his head, the longish hair on the top of his fade (apparently a popular haircut in this family) swaying to the side. "You're all grown up now, the last time I saw you, you were only two weeks old, and I was dropping you off with a nice couple in Seattle."

"I'm from Seattle?" I ask quietly, my eyebrows furrowed, as I look at him, questioningly. 

Erick sighs, looking at his feet, "You don't remember?"

I shake my head, pulling Sevrin's fingers out of my inky locks again, "I don't remember almost anything before waking up, chained in" I look to Sevrin and Josh for confirmation that that is what that place was called.

"What do you remember?" Erick asks of me.

"Very little, and what I do remember is only about one of two people, usually. It's rarely of them both, and never had anyone else," I tell them.

Sevrin tilts his head to the side, "Who do you remember?"

"A friend, named Antonio, and an ex-boyfriend named Joseph. But it all comes in pieces and half the time, the memories disappear just as quickly as they come back."

"They're all that you remember?" Josh questions, "Nothing else?"

"Nothing," I confirm.

Erick sits down on the black leather couch, leaning forward, his elbows restoring on his knees, fingers steepled in front of his face. His eyes pensive, "Are you sure you don't remember anything else Scarlett? Absolutely positive?"

I look at him, confused why he wants to know. "Yes, I haven't been able to remember anything else since I woke up in the garden. And what I do remember has mostly come to me with time."

"Can we just drop this?" Josh wrings his hands nervously, "What does it matter of she can't remember? Maybe her brain is just trying to keep her safe from some traumatic event or something?"

"Maybe Josh is right, Erick. Maybe she can't remember for a purely, non-supernatural reason," Sevrin speaks up.

" That is possible, " Erick agrees, "But it's not very probable, especially considering who our family is. You know the kind of enemies that Cara has made since she became Queen."

"Can someone please explain to me exactly how many siblings we have?" I ask, " I'm getting a little confused as to who is who. "

Erick glares at Sevrin and Josh, "You idiots didn't even tell her who all of us are?"

"Josh told me I couldn't tell her anything without him," Sevrin tries to defend himself.

"You came back before I could get to that part," Josh explains, trying to sooth their brothers raising temper. "I was about to get to that part when you walked in. She knows basically everything else though. Including what happened to the Barrett family, thanks to Sevrin."

" Why are you blaming me! You were the one who was going to just leave out a huge event of this cities, and our families history!" Sevrin exclaims, trying to avoid having both older brothers be angry with him.

Placing a hand on his arm, to try and call him, I say, "Sevrin calm down, no one is blaming you. Right?" I give Erick and Josh a stern look so they agree with me.

Erick sighs, "We're sorry, Sev, we really are."

Sevrin smiles, "Apology  accepted. Now who wants to explain the sibling order to Scar?"

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