Chapter 11

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Scarlett POV again

After I left the store, buying a purple and blue talisman so that I hadn't complexity wasted Sage and Nicole's time, I walked around town a little more. I ended up on Bourbon Street, surrounded by people who were obviously tourists. There are little booths where the locals are trying to show some poor, unsuspecting, tourist into buying their "amazing" product, and I feel something weird. Like someone's staring at me.

I start walking a little faster, my change of pace barely noticeable so that only those directly next to me, and possibly following me could pick up on it. I trimmed the corner, around a store, and was facing a bar named Damian's Pub. I walked in and taught my way through the crowd towards some pool tables I can barely see, located in the back.

When I get there I see that they're fairly ignored, so I watch a few games, just spectating. Then someone walks up behind me. "Hey, you wanna play a round?" A girl with light red hair asks me.

I nod at her suggestion. " Sure, let me grab us a couple cues. "

She nods back. "Okay, I claim a table."

I walk over to the wall with the equipment on it, grab us each a cue, and a single little chalk block. As I return I see her straining to lean over the table's edge and set up the balls. I set the cues and the chalk on the side of the table. "Would you like some help with that?" I ask politely. I may be short but this red head is shorter then me, so I might have less of a struggle setting up then she is having.

She laughs a little. "Sure. Thank you." She smiles, shaking her head slightly. "I just realized that we never got each others names."

I reach over the tables, placing the balls in the triangle, giggling a little. "I guess we didn't. I'm Aroura." I stick my hand out towards her.

She shakes my hand. "I'm Carly Sloan, it's nice to meet you."

I freeze a little at that. I remember Josh saying something about the Sloan's when he was explaining the role of each faction in the city. But I can't remember if the Sloan's are the vampires or the fae.

"I'm sorry," she says, "but did you give your last name?"

Now I have to respond quickly but I have no clue what I'm gonna say. "Umm no sorry." Think Scar think! "Its-" Lopez! Say Lopez! "Lopez."

She looks kinda relieved. "Oh cool, it's unique for here. Normally everyone's of French or English decent."

"That actually sounds pretty cool," I tell her with a smile. " but it does sound like it can be pretty boring, knowing that almost everyone here's from the same place. "

She nods. "Exactly. It's one of the reasons that my brother Damian opened the bar."

Damian's her brother? Is my first thought. My mind spinning, I must have exited the witch faction a while ago and ended up deep in Fae territory. "Oh really?" I ask, feigning interest so I that we could maybe get the conversation off of family.

"Yeah," She responds, grabbing a cue, running the chalk cube on the tip, and lining up the break shot. "Our dear mother was so against it, she told him that if he did he would be out of the will. Low and behold three years later, she's dead, and never wrote him outta anything." She shoots the ball, breaking the triangle of solids and stripes, and sinking the red striped one.        "And I'm stripes." She shoots again, hitting one, but it bounces off of the corner of the hole. "Your  turn Aroura."

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