Chapter 12

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A\N: Okay my SandPitTurtle needs to stop getting bigger. He's a year old and I can't stand it. okay A\N over.

I shake my head, clearing the thoughts spinning through my brain, anxiety trying to fight it's way to the forefront of emotions running through my mind. "Oh right," I like up my shot, aiming for the solid red one. "So what's your brother like?" Small talk isn't bad right? Small talk can't get me killed in Sloan territory can it? Oh Satan I'm gonna die.

She laughs and shakes her head, "He's an ass, but he's my brother, I gotta love him. You know, the whole 'family first', and 'blood is thicker then water' bull shit."

I laugh slightly, "Sounds like a brother." Silence hangs over us for a moment, neither of us knowing how to respond after that. "Umm, do you not believe in that kind of thing?" I step away as the red ball I hit just bounces around the table, refusing to enter a hole.

She shakes her head as she aims up her next shot. "I like to believe that we can choose our family. That it can be more then just your blood. He doesn't understand that." She takes her shot, the ball bouncing off the edge once, before sinking into the hole.

"That's a good mindset to have. I mean, everyone has their own brains, opinions and personalities. Even if you share blood with someone it doesn't mean you have to agree with them on everything." I respond, shifting my weight from one foot to the other, wondering what will happen if someone realized who I was. But then again, most of my own siblings didn't know I existed so, maybe they don't either.

"Yea true," she shrugs as she lines up her next shot, "But I doubt most families have the animosity that is between a few others in this area that we have. That kinda makes this mindset a bit--" She pauses thoughtfully, "Difficult."

"I'm sorry, Carly, that sounds a bit more like a dictatorship, then family." I lean against the pool table, resting my folded hands on the top of my pool cue.

She shakes her head. "Well we don't get to choose our blood, right?"

"Yeah. Right."

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