My 18th Birthday

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*9:00 Am*

I can't believe that I'm turning 18 today! Wait I need to vlog this. I have been a YouTuber since I was 12, well that is kinda a lie. My mother started a YouTube channel when I was 12. We live on a farm and I won't be for much longer because I'm moving out tomorrow. I have started a YouTube channel over the years, It's not as big as some others but it is pretty big! Coachella is next month and I already have my pass, and before you ask yes I am going by myself.

After I get my outfit on and put some light makeup on I head downstairs. I get downstairs and I see there are pancakes on the table and a glass of orange juice. I go over to sit down and notice there is a note from my parents saying "Hey sweetie! We are very sorry we couldn't be there this morning, we had something we needed to do last minute. We will be back later tonight! See you soon. Love, mom and dad"

"Well, I hope they aren't getting presents for me!" I said out loud without even realizing. I go onto my phone and go onto Spotify. I listen to "Give it Back" by Jake Webber and start singing while I prepare myself to eat my breakfast. "Why'd you do it dad? Why'd you take my PS2? I just want it back, now I'm crying in my room! I'll take out the trash, I'll do it dad-" I started to sing but all of a sudden my phone Dings.

It was a YouTube notification, it said "You have a new subscriber Colby Brock..." then the music started playing again. I freaked out! I'm glad my parents weren't home because I actually screamed! I am NOT kidding. "OH MY GOD! HE ACTUALLY NOTICED ME! Wait, he actually noticed me. I can't believe it!" I ate breakfast super fast, faster than I have ever eaten in my whole life! I put my plate on the counter- trying not to break it- and ran super fast up the stairs to my room. Once I closed my door I got my last boxes and my mattress into the moving truck we had waiting in our yard that my father was going to drive down to L.A., I then got my outfits ready and in their bags. I had everything ready to go I had my airplane tickets too.

I sat around my room watching old Sam and Colby videos since they were on a break right now from social media, but apparently, Colby had stumbled upon my Youtube channel. 

At around 8:30 PM my parents got back. They told me to close my eyes so I did even though I didn't want any presents they had still gotten me one. I closed my eyes and held out my hands in my hands there was multiple things. The first thing that I saw was a big box, I decided to open that last, other than that I had the following: Cash, a new switchblade, a new phone case, and a popsocket.

I decided to use my new switchblade to open up the box, what was in the box took my breath away. The first thing I saw was a new pair of ripped jeans, then I saw an XPLR hoodie I freaked out to tell you the least. I jumped up and hugged my mother and father. They told me to look in the box again I did, there was a Take Chances hoodie too, some other clothes I also thanked them for too, and when I got to the bottom of the box I saw a filming tripod and a mic for my camera!

"This is the best birthday ever!" I said while hugging them. I had already eaten dinner and I was heading upstairs to my room with my stuff when my phone went off. I couldn't look at it yet because I had so much stuff in my hands still, so when I got to my room I put my stuff down and looked at my phone some unknown number had texted me. I didn't know if I should open it, but without thinking twice I opened it wondering if I knew who it was or how they could have gotten my number. This is how it went:


Unknown: Hey we should meet sometime!

Me: Ummmmm what?

Unknown: You know what I said

Me: Where did you get my number?

Unknown: I asked one of your subscribers

Me: Oh um maybe I guess?

Unknown: Why are you questioning it?

Me: Because I don't know who you are!

Unknown: Your right but not yet at least.

Me: Ok... Bye!

Read 9:00 PM

I turn off my phone and put all of my stuff in my bags and lay on my sleeping bag, awake. I know I should be asleep by now but I just keep thinking about Colby Brock subscribing to me. I drift off to sleep, then all of a sudden I hear my alarm clock go off. It is five o'clock in the morning when I look at my clock. I get up and get into my new ripped black jeans, my new maroon crop top, and my new XPLR No Limit Hoodie. I put my new phone case and popsocket onto my phone before starting to grab my bags and remember that I can't take my switchblade onto the plane so I take it out of my bag and hold it. Once I got downstairs I got a bowl and made my cereal of course cereal first and then milk, a glass of grape juice, and some fruit.

I eat all of my breakfast and start to head out to my car. I put all of my bags into my car and go back inside because I feel like I have missed something, then I remember my sleeping bag. I put that into the moving truck with my switchblade. I say my final goodbyes and get into my car "I'm finally doing it! I can't even believe it, yes I can!" I say to myself out loud I'm not surprised. I go to the road and start heading to the airport.

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