The Long Trip There

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I had no idea what time we were getting up to go, so whenever Colby woke me up I was confused and exhausted. 

"Tatum....Up...TATUM!" Colby was saying stuff even when I thought he was not saying anything. Yet he thought it would be good for him to slap me when he yelled my name. It hurt like hell!

"COLBY! My God! What did you do that for?!?!?" I said waiting for an answer and he almost interrupted me because he answered so quickly. "We need to get ready and packed! So get the fuck up cause if you fall asleep I'm seriously gonna leave you here." He was serious. I just let my jaw drop, he would really leave me here? That's rough Colby that's very harsh, I couldn't believe it!

"Fine! I'm up thanks to this." I gestured to my left cheek which was the one he slapped, it still tingled "I need to get my stuff. Oh, how long are we staying there?" I asked just in case I needed to pack more. "One night, but if I were you I would bring more outfits than one!" He was right I have never only packed one outfit for a one day trip!

I got up from Colby's bed? How did I get here? Oh yeah, last night that's right I forgot. Anyway, I got up and I realized how good his room smelt, like fancy cologne but not too strong just enough to smell it and not gonna lie I liked it. Colby was getting ready and then he said he was going to make breakfast, so that left me time to go to my apartment and get my stuff and get dressed and ready when I got back to Colby's.

I walked out of his apartment and thought about what had happened last night. It was so weird, I have never done that or anything close to that! I was confused about my ability to see spirits and how I interact with them. Do they choose me or do I choose to see them and nobody else chooses to? I thought hard about that, but it finally came to an end when I heard something come from inside Jake's door it sounded like a beep and a slam of a door. I was a little worried so I knocked and opened the door. I saw him at the couch eating something from a styrofoam cup and realized that it was just the microwave that I had heard.

"Hey boo!" I said but apparently, I startled him and he started blushing. I wasn't sure if it was from me calling him boo or me startling him. "Whatcha eatin'? Smells good as fuck!"

"It's ramen ever had some? doesn't sound like you have ever!" I gave him a 'seriously' face I have had ramen before but not in FOREVER! I had some when I was little like 5 or 6 maybe. "Yes I have, it has just been maybe more than ten years," I remember it was really good just don't remember exactly how it tastes.

"Well enjoy your ramen and I will go get ready!" I said to him and walked back out the door. I wasn't wearing shoes or my hoodie anymore so I just had my phone and my keys, which was very typical of me. I got to my apartment I unlocked it and grabbed all of my bags and locked my door back up again. It was gonna be a while till I get everything in place unless I have the boys help me. I walked barefoot back to Colby's apartment and walked right in. He was still getting ready so I decided to get ready myself I decided to wear something casual but cute. This is what I wore,

I decided that I should only do light makeup because I didn't wanna mess it up if I got tired and wiped my eyes

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I decided that I should only do light makeup because I didn't wanna mess it up if I got tired and wiped my eyes. So I put minimal mascara, highlighter, lipstick which is like a burgundy to match my shoes, and blush that morning my blush game was on fleek. I also put on a pair of hoop earrings cause I thought it would tie the whole outfit together.

I walked out with my suitcase in hand which had multiple days worth of clothes, and makeup of course! I decided to take out my Take Chances hoodie to wear because it was grey. It worked better than my XPLR hoodie even though I could have worn that today. I was still gonna bring it! How could I leave that? But I had many other cute outfits like three maybe, one was a comfy but cute, the other just straight up cute, and the last is the one that I was wearing plus you know my shoes for all the outfits!

I was surprised I didn't wear a dark color today or black even. That is just what I normally wear. I actually brought an EVP reader device. The boys don't know that I have one, I just have had one for a while because somethings were happening at my old house and it turned out it wasn't ghosts it was just random things. So I just have never gotten rid of it since then. 

Colby had made french toast and scrambled eggs which is my favorite breakfast food! I ate not looking up at Colby because of last night but I could feel him looking at me. "You know you could just ask how it is right? It's not that hard!" I said stating the obvious which was the normal me "I just- you just keep surprising me with how pretty you are. It is different every day and it just surprises me." That made me look up at him. He called me pretty, that isn't what I would call myself but he did. That thought was thrown away because I looked down at my plate and to my surprise all of the food was gone. I got up, washed the dish and walked to the bathroom in Colby's room to brush my teeth. 

"Seven days in limbo push me out the window. Nothing in common, nothing to lose, nothing but problems between me and you. With your arms akimbo, seven days in limbo. Seven days." I sing quoting "Limbo" by Billie Eilish while walking into the living room where Colby is. He had a confused look on his face but surprised look on his face. "Yeah I know I can't sing well! That song isn't a song I made up, seriously don't push me out the window! It's a Billie song, I like singing her songs even if I can't sing them as good as she can." I stated the obvious to me but he just sat there with a straight face. I was thoroughly confused by his reaction.

"You have a beautiful singing voice! I could never EVER throw you out the window even if I had to." He is so sympathetic. I could be this dude's friend forever! This is the kind of friend that you need on a daily basis. "Thank you," I said shyly but me smiling like crazy!

💛💛Time Skip💛💛

We were flying there. On the flight, I sat next to Corey he was dope! I could easily be friends with him. I told him how I always had an interest in hip hop and he said he could teach me something if I wanted. I obviously said yes!

The flight was multiple hours and it was kinda boring so I just decided to listen to some Billie Eilish and TØp (Twenty One Pilots) It made the flight go much faster! As soon as we touched down I was excited! When they said to get off of the plane I made Corey almost fall onto Sam's lap which was across from him but he caught himself. We got our stuff we brought on the plane which was very minimal. We got off of the plane and waited for our luggage and Colby was standing next to me when the others were farther away.

"I'm glad you came! I am still surprised by meeting you!" He said looking at me

"You are saying that like I'm a famous YouTuber and I'm your idol or something when really you are my idols!" I said and slightly laughed after

"Yeah, but you are different you're you!" Colby said with a huge smile over his face. I slapped his arm and apparently harder than I meant to because he quickly grabbed his arm where I hit him.

Hey yall! I hope you are liking this story! I am so sorry I haven't posted in a long time but I hope this is good enough for yall to forgive me! I will be posting more regularly now I am not exactly sure when or hat days or anything like that but I guess we will just see! The word count for the whole thing is 1,512 words!

Love yall!💕 DUCES✌✌

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