The Night Before

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Even though I had agreed to stay with Colby for tonight I still needed to get my suitcase and put more things into it like clothes, my toiletries, shoes, etc.

I ran to get my suitcase from my apartment. I didn't put my shoes back on because I didn't want to put them back on I was too lazy to at the moment. When I was passing by Jake's door I saw that it was slightly open, and I decided to just go and get my suitcase and when if it was still open when I passed it again I would see if something was wrong. I walked to my room got and got my suitcase and locked my door behind me.

When I walked past Jake's door it was still slightly open but it had been closed a little. The way it was open was just on the edge of clicking shut but you could tell it was still open by just looking at the handle.  I left my suitcase at the door and lightly pushed the door open. What I saw was everything was normal like before we had left his apartment before but Jake was nowhere in sight. I walked into the living room leaving the door open but not for light, but for if I had to get out of there faster than I could open the door and close it to get away. All the lights were still on like before, as I walked there was an eerie silence that gave me chills. I looked at the kitchen nothing on the counters, then I looked at the couch nothing but a couple of pillows and a blanket just sprawled out flat on the couch, then I look at the guest room the door is wide open the lights were all off and no sign of life, then the guest bathroom-door also wide open- no lights were on in there either the curtain open too so I decided to turn on the light in there nothing again.

When I got to Jake's bedroom I saw a little bit of light coming from under the door, the door was closed all of the way so that I had to open the door to look into the room. I cracked the door and peeked in there was Jake sound asleep with a nightlight on next to his bed. I took a picture without the flash so he wouldn't wake up. He looked so cute when he sleeps. I was taken away from my thoughts as I heard my phone ding and I looked down it was Colby. I closed the door and walked out of his apartment closing the door behind me grabbing my suitcase I started walking looking at my phone I read the text from Colby he was just wondering where I was and if I was okay. I replied a thumbs up emoji and put my phone into my back pocket in my pants. I kept walking with my suitcase until I got to Colby's door.

"I need to go and get some boxes from the moving truck outside. Could you please come with me? I might need you to carry a box for me." I said getting my shoes on and grabbing my keys again and heading to the door.

"Yeah, I'll go. I don't want you to hurt your beautiful self!" He said smiling right at me and looking me in the eyes. We walked out the door we walked outside I got to the moving truck and opened it looking inside. I got one of my boxes of stuff like makeup, and my brush and put it on the sidewalk. Then I reached for one with clothes in it and a box full of shoes and gave them both to Colby he started walking back as I reached for another box of clothes. I put that box on the sidewalk too and closed and locked the moving truck grabbed the boxes and walked back to Colby's apartment.

When I had gotten there he had already gotten the boxes-that he had carried- upstairs and right by the Lovesac. I started to walk towards the stairs when Colby popped up from behind the kitchen counter and made me drop my boxes and luckily nothing broke! He helped me bring up the box with the clothes in it up the flight of spiral stairs and set it down just leaving me there to get packed for the trip.


I had gotten packed with makeup and extra clothes and another two pairs of shoes. I looked at my phone because it had buzzed a couple of times while I was packing. After I took all the boxes by myself back to my apartment including my suitcase which was weird because I knew I was gonna need it but was too tired to realize it. So I came back to Colby's apartment. I realized what time it was and went into the guest bathroom to change in the bathroom and remove my makeup. I got over by the couch and Colby was passed out on the couch sound asleep. He was so peaceful when he slept so I decided to take a picture, so I did. Then I changed in the bathroom into a pair of random high-waisted light blue leggings and black sports bra. Once I had taken off my little makeup I moved into the living room almost sleepwalking. I opened Colby's bedroom door and lifted up Colby which was harder than I had realized it would be but I managed to do it. I put him down he grabbed my hand when I started walking away. I quickly turned to see Colby only half asleep but still able to control his actions so he had grabbed my hand on purpose.

I sat on the side of the bed where he was laying, I was on the very edge about to fall off. I wanted to go to bed because I was tired so I started to walk away from Colby while he was still holding my hand but just tightened his grip when I moved away. I decided to just crawl over him and sleep on the other side of the bed far enough from him so that we weren't touching while we slept.

But apparently, Colby was fully asleep now because he moved closer to me and put his hand on my waist which startled me but I didn't move away because I liked the feel of his touch. I decided to just slip into sleep because I was too tired to move at that point which didn't bother me at all to my surprise. I ended up turning on my other side which made Colby and I's foreheads touch. Then I thought to myself right before I slipped fully into sleep

'Wow, I could get used to this!'

Hey yall! I was wondering if yall had any requests for anything like different characters, less definition in my chapters, Less about one time and more of a whole day or something like that in one chapter, or even if you'd like me to add anything else or take anything away from the chapters! 

I would LOVE to hear yall's opinions on what I have done!

I would also like your opinions on what type of YouTuber I should be in this story like just a vlogger, or something like Colby or anything else like that.

Oh and tell me if yall would like me to start another book too!

Sorry for such a trashy chapter!

Love yall💕! DUCES ✌✌

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