The Awkward Before the Trip

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Well, the whole thing with Ella didn't end up so good. After I had sat there on the couch for two seconds I had realized that nobody else could see her, and once I realized that I felt stupid because everyone was staring at me in awe at what had just happened. Everyone, except one person, and that person was Colby. I hadn't looked at his face before this moment-he looked like he had just seen someone he hadn't known personally get killed right in front of him- he looked sympathetic at me and he looked at my hand and then my face. He had a tear run down his face like he had just understood what had happened when I was talking to Ella.

"None of you know what is happening do you?" I said as I looked at everyone except for Colby, I even looked at the psychic, they all shook their heads so I continued, "Well there was a girl that lived in this same exact apartment room before. Her name was Ella, her father had died before what I am about to explain to yall. Her mother had left to go to the store and she left Ella all alone in this apartment. Ella had already changed into her swimsuit and had filled up the bathtub with warm water that was the height of her shoulders. Ella was around 7 years old when she had written her mother a suicide note and left it on the kitchen counter with her signature at the bottom. She sat in the tub for a minute just crying to herself then she all of a sudden said 'Sorry Mommy, I didn't want to do this to you but I wanted to be with Daddy, and there was no other way for me to do it! I'm so sorry' those words were exactly what she had written on the suicide note she had left. But after she had said those words she slipped under, breathed out of her nose, and once she needed air she opened her mouth, and let the water fill up her little lungs. Once she had gotten her lungs full she just lay there mouth and eyes- beautiful piercing blue diamond eyes- wide open, waiting for her mother to come back home to see her note and see her just laying there dead."

I stopped telling the story everyone just had their mouths wide open. Not knowing what to say and once I got to Colby he had red puffy eyes, and tear stained cheeks from crying. Another tear fell from his beautiful eyes, and right as it got to his cheek I wiped it away, not wanting him to cry. I soon continued "So now she is sitting right here, holding my hand, and trusting me to help her get to heaven. Now if you will excuse me I would like to go to this bathroom right here and talk to her in there without any of yall eavesdropping! Does that sound fair to yall?" they all nodded and I proceeded. I walked to the little bathroom and closed the door once Ella had walked fully in, I had told her what I thought she would have to do to go to heaven. She had apologized to her father and her mother too. She also said how much she had loved them and how much more she does now, and she promised to them that she would never ever think about leaving them again. With the end of her last sentence, she looked over her shoulder and hugged me, kissed my cheek, said thank you to me and walked to the door and disappeared.

I opened the door once I saw her vanish and I hadn't noticed a tear on my cheek until Colby wiped it away once I sat down again. Once he had wiped it away I put my head on his shoulder.

💛💛Time Skip💛💛

The psychic had just left and I was really tired and hungry. I obviously didn't have any food and I hadn't eaten after breakfast so you could probably tell why I was hungry. We all said goodbye to Jake and headed to the hallway suddenly Corey spoke. He said, "I have never in my life seen anyone do that before now!"

"Well I didn't even know I could do that in the first place! It surprised me too!" I said, "Could I eat at one of yall's places? I haven't eaten after breakfast which was WAY too early for me! It is also okay if I can't I don't have a problem with going to buy something either." I stated just in case they didn't feel comfortable with me.

Colby replied right away " You can eat dinner with me!" sounding almost anxious for me to join him. So we walked to his apartment and I took off my backpack and hoodie to reveal my maroon top that no one had seen yet today except for myself. He looked over to me to see what I was doing and he smiled but tried to hide it from me. I took off my Converse and walked over to the couch and sat on it criss-cross apple sauce. I looked around the room and saw a spiral staircase leading up to a small landing. I decided to just go up there without asking because he had filmed up there multiple times- I got distracted from my own thoughts when I saw the Lovesac, I literally ran up the rest of the stairs tripped on the last one and fell but quickly got back up and ran to the Lovesac and spread myself over it and put the blanket that was on top of it over my legs. The blanket just made me really hot but it was too cozy to take off, and as soon as I smelt what Colby was cooking I fell asleep to the smell.

"Tatum....Tatum....TATUM!!!" I heard him scream at me. I quickly jumped up and the blanket flew off of me without me even realizing it. "Yes?" I said very much awake.

"Come on the food is ready!" He exclaimed happily

"What is ittttttt?????" I said while walking down the stairs behind him and making sure to drag out the 'it' to show how hungry I was. "Macaroni and cheese! I hope you like it." He said sounding hopeful while saying the last sentence. I thought to myself right away 'UMMMMMMM HELLO, MACARONI AND CHEESE IS LIKE MY FAVORITE FOOD IN THE WORLD!' but of course he didn't know because he barely even know me.

When we got down the stairs he took a seat and I sat at the other chair looking at my food the whole time. One HUGE bowl FULL to the rim of mac and cheese, I had lost words he even gave me a spoon instead of a fork, I never ate mac and cheese with a fork. I tried it and it was like heaven it was perfect in every way! The noodles were a little bit hard but not too hard, the cheese wasn't just one kind but a mix of cheeses, and he had put just enough salt to make all of the flavors to stand out but not too much to make me not want to eat it. I knew Colby was looking at me trying it so I decided to pretend that it was disgusting so I made a disgusted face like I hadn't liked it at all. I looked up and he frowned and I smiled at him but he didn't look at me so right when he was about to get up and get something I put my hand over his when I did this he looked up as I smiled and he sighed a sigh of relief. I ate that bowl in 8 minutes it was that good, and I was full afterward so I thanked him and started getting my shoes on and my stuff when Colby said something.

"Hey, you could sleep here if you'd like! I have room!" He said trying to be very nice to me, so I accepted because I didn't have my sleeping bag and I wouldn't have gotten very good sleep anyway if I did sleep in my sleeping bag on the floor. "You know what? Sure I will take you up on that offer because I will probably get better sleep here than at my own place!" I smiled the whole sentence. 

It's Now Or Never ||  Colby BrockNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ