Stanley Hotel?

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I got off the airplane got my stuff and got into my rental car " Why can't they just get my car out here yet? It's just not fair! I have to wait like two months for my car, which is way too long!". Well at least this car is good on gas, I can't complain about that. When I am 5 minutes away from my apartment I get a text message it said that my moving truck had already gotten there. I was thankful because that meant that I could move my stuff into my apartment when I got there, and I would still have help there.

I got there 10 minutes later because of the traffic, and I'm not gonna lie I did see some cute guys while I was driving. Let me tell you the story it all started after I had gotten that text.


...and I would still have help there. I rolled down my windows and opened my sunroof. It was about 8 PM and I wasn't tired at all, yet I wasn't surprised I usually stay awake until like 12 in the morning. It was trying to stay bright outside but was failing, I was stopped at a stop light blasting Twenty One Pilots, and this car pulls up next to me at the light with two guys in the front and one guy in the back, the guy in the passenger seat held a filming camera with a mic, and was talking to the camera and the other two guys. I thought to myself "Oh they must be YouTubers like me." 

I couldn't really see their faces so I couldn't see if I recognized them so I just looked back at the stop light and road in front of me and kept singing every single song that came on my speakers. I realized that they were going to the same apartment building that I was going to live in. They turned into my lane behind me and turned into the parking garage with me in front of them. They were in a red Toyota Corolla, and they parked far from the apartment entrance on the first floor of the garage because there weren't many spots open there except for like five with two at the back right next to each other. They took one of those spots and I took the other.

End Flashback

I got out of my car and I got my suitcase and my Xplr backpack-with the big white X on the front- and got my keys, locked my car, and headed to the apartment building. They guys that had been in the car next to me started running and they caught up right behind me because they had to catch their breath. One of them started talking to the others right as we walked into the building, I heard them say "Hey nice backpack!" they could see my backpack because I was wearing it on my back.

"Thank you!" I said as I got into the elevator and got into the corner with the control pad I pushed the button to go to my floor and turned to see three guys that I could recognize from anywhere. I started blushing, and they saw "I like your hoodie too!". When I looked up I could tell they were all looking at me, I said shyly "Hi" I said almost too quietly but they still heard. They decided to introduce themselves they started saying,

 "Hi, I'm Colby!" Said, Colby

"I'm trying not to freak out right now because I already know who yall are!" I said

Sam was going to start talking but I accidentally interrupted him without noticing "But I'm Tatum, I don't know if you remember me Colby but you had subscribed to me yesterday." I said trying to hide my blushing and major happiness. But after I had said that then Colby's eyes went wide.

"Wow! You're even more beautiful in real life than in your videos! I didn't even recognize you! Well very nice to meet you!" He started, he developed a blush while finishing, "As you probably already know, this is Sam and Corey!". He finished while pointing to each of them while saying their name

"Well, It's crazy to meet you because I thought yall were on break and then a while ago you said you were going to post a vid tomorrow. I never thought I was going to meet yall especially because yall were on a break! But here I am I guess!" I stated, while they just nodded Sam just started to say "Yeah, actually tomorrow we are going to the Stanley hotel-" the elevator stopped and dinged signaling that it was at my floor, yet he continued to talk while they followed me which confused me, "- and you are free to join if you would like to!"

"Umm, you know what? I would love to go! And to get to know yall better too, personally! But I just have to ask one question-" I paused waiting for an answer or a sign to keep going, and they all nodded when I looked at them, "-who's apartment are yall going to? Because I just feel like your following me."

They all answered at the same time harmonizing "Jake's!" which surprised me because I haven't heard Corey say anything yet. When I asked if I could join, they all said surprisingly fast "Yes! Please-" then just Colby finished "- if you're going to come you need to know some stuff about the Stanley Hotel!" I loved his voice it was so calming! I loved the Stanley Hotel because that is where The Shining was filmed, and I had always wanted to stay there after I had seen it.

When we got to Jake's apartment he was scared because he thought we were his neighbors going to evict him, but when everyone was going inside I told them to wait so they did. While they were waiting I jogged down the hall to the right and right next to Jake's apartment was mine. I told them to go ahead and go in I will be right there so they did, once they did I got my key out and opened the door whipped my suitcase and basically threw it into the living room area and closed and locked my door.

Once I had done that I knocked exactly how Colby did because that is what scared Jake the first time, and right as he opened his door I ran under his arm into the room and quickly but smoothly sat on his couch. After everyone had realized what had just happened they laughed with me finishing because I had started later than everyone else. When I said to Jake "Well if you were so afraid of Colby being one of your neighbors then you should be scared of me, because...well I don't know how to tell this to you lightly." I started and realized there is no way to say it lightly so I just said it straight up, "I actually am your neighbor so you better be quiet! OR I WILL EVICT YOU WITHOUT SECOND THOUGHTS!" I said yell talking the last part, and after I had said that I giggled.

Jake was so scared, and I'm pretty sure I scarred him too, mentally at least. The reason I say that I scarred him is that he looked down at his feet and said: "You would really do that to me?"

Well, This was a very fun chapter to write! I'm also gonna start another chapter right now because I am in the mood right now to write and I can't just leave yall on a cliffhanger for that long cause it's like leaving myself on a cliffhanger also!

Please leave any questions in the comments if you don't understand anything that you are reading! I will try to answer all of yall's questions!

Word count is 1,343 words including this tiny bit here!

Love yall💕! DUCES ✌✌

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