Overnight At Stanley Hotel

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We got to the hotel. It was scary as fuck! I wasn't sure exactly how to feel about this but I couldn't tell that there were any spirits here so maybe Ella took all of my power away. I was fine with that, to be honest. We got all of our stuff out of the uber and headed into the hotel. We got to the front desk and got our room key. We left all of our stuff at the front desk and decided to walk around the hotel area which probably was a good idea. We found the place where Lucy stays but there were workers there so we decided to come back later. We started walking back to the hotel.

"So are we gonna go back to the hotel or what's the plan?" Colby asked Sam while pointing the camera at him. "Yeah, we can't really do much until we explore our own hotel room." Sam was right so we headed to the hotel and our room. A man offered his story.

"I live in this hotel, and every morning there are two handprints on the mirror in the bathroom. I just wipe them away just like nothing happened." He explained they were shocked and he continued "They always look like little girls handprints."

I was just stoned faced the whole time he explained his story. I was off thinking about something else not even remembering after. I hadn't realized that I wasn't totally listening until they had said goodbye and he left then I snapped out of it. It was like he made me do it like he had something attached to him that was serious. It was like I was asleep and someone splashed me with ice cold water to wake me and it worked. 

We started walking with our bags that we had gotten from the front desk when we walked in. I didn't mean to but I was walking slower than normal because I was thinking. Thinking about what had happened to me when that man was talking. I realized Colby fall back from the group and walk right next to me. Our arms grazing every time one of us moved our arms. He looked over at me with a worried look on his face. He wanted to know what was up with me I could tell.

"Tatum, is something wrong? You look stressed and confused. What for?" He was so considerate, I didn't want to tell him so I had to think of something quick and easy to think it is true so I decided to say something stupid. Ugh! Myself, why can't you think up something good?

"I was just thinking how crazy it was how I am with yall right now! I was just hoping this wasn't a dream. All of this ya know?" When I said all of this I gestured with my arm my surroundings. He at first was caught off guard by how deep that sounded. When I was talking about hoping it wasn't all a dream I sounded kind of sad I could hear it too. What I had said was true though I was just hoping it wasn't a dream. "Hey" He stopped walking so I did too "I hope it's not a dream either. I have had way too much fun for this just to be wasted when I wake up. I hope this-you are real." He looked at me and he smiled like crazy. I blushed and hid it with the sleeve of my take Chances hoodie.  

We started walking yet not fast enough to catch up to the boys. So we started jogging, and finally got caught up to them. Colby started laughing but not loud enough for anyone to hear but me. That made me laugh but cutely and not as loud as I normally do which isn't too loud I don't think. All of the others looked at me and Colby because we were hunched over laughing for basically no apparent reason, to them at least. 

"What the hell are you guys laughing at?" Corey asked with a weird expression on his face. I was way too busy to tell him and so was Colby. To be honest I had no idea what he was really laughing at I just thought what we had said earlier was funny now. "Yeah, Colby! Tell them I wanna know too! I am actually confused about what actually started that." I gestured toward him with my arm and moved it up and down because he was still laughing not as hard as before but still teary-eyed.

He looked up at me when he had finished almost laughing his breakfast up with his guts. He looked serious kinda. He still had that laugh in his eyes but it was not on his mouth he wasn't smiling either. "I just thought it was funny how you acted after I told you that," he said with a slight smile. We all kept walking and he got closer to me and a little behind me. Then he whispered into my ear "and cute."

I just kept walking hoping we got to the room soon. I had a blank face I was just looking straight ahead of me looking at the back of Jake's head. His hair was red at the time. He hasn't changed it in a while which surprised me very slightly. He was as cute as hell I'm not saying Colby wasn't I was not wanting to think about him right now. Jake had two dimples unlike me, I only had one which was on my right side. His style was dope unlike mine really. I needed to get fashion help from him and Xepher which is one of their friends.

We finally got to the room after a long 2 minutes of not trying to think of the huge hunk of muscle, cuteness, happy, piercing ocean eyes, and flirt behind me while I walked. Sam said, "Welcome to the Stanley Hotel!" I rolled my eyes and thought about saying 'we are already in the Stanley hotel dumbass!' But someone I think Jake got to it first but he left out the last part. I punched his arm playfully. He looked at me like 'Ow' but I knew he was kidding because I knew how hard I hit him and it won't leave any sort of mark on his arm.

"It smells like an old woman in here!" I said and obviously, I said it way too quietly that nobody else heard me so they said it too but I said nothing about it. I sat down on the bed which was actually quite nice! I saw Jake and Corey sit down and they were far enough back for me to lay down. So I laid down because I was tired more tired than I have ever been. I closed my eyes for maybe a minute and I opened them up again feeling energized as if I had slept for a whole night.

"Hey, guys?" They all looked up from their phones and Sam got the camera ready to film if I was fine with it. I nodded to him telling him he could film me. "Can I see yall's phones I need to see them." They all hesitated, wondering what I was gonna do with them. But I knew what I was doing they just were hesitant because it was their phones. "I have done this before...kinda," I stated. They slowly handed me their phones one by one. I was glad, but I had to find the room phone so I could do what I needed to to make this work. I spotted it I hope this is gonna work the way I wanted it to. I took all of their phones Corey's being the last, took all of them to the room phone and put them out in a line in front of the room phone. I put my phone in between Sam's and Jake's and turned all of them on. I put in my password which was Colby's full name. It was easy for me to remember.

"Password's or I can't get this to work but you can't move them!" I said quickly but easy to understand. They all did quickly but careful enough not to move them. Ok let's get this over now, shall we? Yes, we shall! I opened all of their settings up and went to their Bluetooth turned off whichever ones that were on, then turned them back on. I touched the room phone with one hand and every phone with the other waiting five seconds before moving to the next. I got a penny from someone I don't remember who but I did. I pressed the "*" button on the room phone. Then I put the penny on everyone's phones where the selfie camera is starting with Colby's and working to mine and pausing before I put it on mine, then continuing onto Jake's and then Corey's. Right before I put it on Corey's I realized what it would recover if I did, it wouldn't recover it right away but it would be tonight and soon. I set it down and said, "If any of you get a call tonight  or you see someone else's phone get a call from an unknown caller tell me cause I need to know."

I hope yall liked this chapter! Cause it was fun writing it, and tell me if it's a bit excessive with anything. Have a good day! Total words 1,603

Love yall!💕 DUCES✌✌

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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