Task Two: Sincerely Your Killer

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As I saw the body I realized it was one of our guests! The killer has already begun the competition! I instructed the contestants to all listen and listen carefully to me.

"Contestants, you have been chosen for a game of life and death here at rue manor. To survive you must give the best theory on how the previous person died!"

The contestants nodded some were scared, some were smiling, and some were shocked. I went on.... "Now you must only choose one location to go to so you can find clues on how they died. After, you probably want to discuss with other people what you found, then the killer will give you a riddle and the first person to answer it will have a distinct advantage to getting the best theory!

Task 2: Sincerely Your Killer

Welcome to your second task! This is where murder comes in to the picture! The killer is among you and you probably want to give the best theory in order to survive! I will direct message or email or text you guys the clues at your specified location!

Your Options:

Last Know Whereabouts- His Room

Crime Scene- Great Room

Morgue- Where you can examine the body!

Those are your choices, make sure you PM, text, or comment your chosen selection! And now for the riddle! If you are the first one to get the riddle you will get an advantage in knowing the murder! PM me or anything to let me know you know the riddle!

If you get the best theory you will not be eliminated! Here is your riddle:

A man was killed on Sunday morning. His wife found the body and called the police. The police arrived and questioned the chef, maid, butler, and gardener. Their alibis were:

Chef - making breakfast

Maid - getting mail

Butler - setting table

Gardener - watering plants

The police immediately arrested the criminal. Who was it and how did they know?

@EverydayAwkwardness got the riddle!


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