Chapter 14

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i pursed my lips, thinking about everything that sinb said.

she was long gone now, heading back to bed after that talk.

i stared down at the busy city below. i want to fly right now.

sighing, i dangled my legs, still staring at the city below.

it still seems like yesterday when he said that he'll get the operation.

i thought that i had my chance...that seokmin and i can be together...

but oh, how wrong i was.

tears brimmed in my eyes as i remember what happened.

"yuna...seokmin... he's...." mingyu burst to tears.

"what happened to seokmin?" i pressed, worried. what had happened to him?

"this is going to break you, yuna...but it's you that seokmin loves."

i felt my whole world crumble right then.

i was an idiot.

i let seokmin go.

"yuna?" a voice said behind me.

i jumped in surprise, nearly slipping, i yelped, hanging on to the railings.

"yuna! hang on!" he ran to me, reaching out.

tears were freed when my feet dangled in the empty air and my hand slipped.

i screamed.

if i'm going to die least not like this. please.

"we are like parallel lines;
someday, i will tell you the things i didn't say."

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