Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I feel someone shaking me awake. "Time to wake up little girl." I hear the raspy voice say. "Yeah, okay." I say sleepily. Sitting up, Happy walks back out of the room, giving me time to wake up. I have only been napping most of the night. Walking into Kozik's room, I ask Happy "How's he been?" He grabs the basin for me and starts to refill it. "Been quiet. Got sick a couple of times but wasn't too bad so far." he tells me. Sitting the basin on the nightstand, he hands me a clean cloth. I start wiping his face down and then down his neck and to his chest. I notice how muscular he is. "Happy, I think it's time to change the sheets and blankets." I say and he heads to get the clean linens. Kozik opens his eyes and smiles softly. "Hey Doc." he says. "Hey. How you feeling?" I asked. "Like I been hit by a semi." he says. "That's normal. Happy said you started getting sick. As much as it sucks, that's a good thing. We have to get this crap out of your system so that we can get you better." I tell him and he nods.

The next week goes by pretty much the same way. On day eight, he's out of bed and sitting in the living room. Happy heads out to get more supplies from my assistant for me to give me a chance to talk to Kozik. "How you feeling?" I asked. "A lot better. Thanks Doc." he says. "No problem. Now, I know you guys aren't keen on seeing a counselor but being and addict, you at least need a sponsor and some NA meetings. Now, don't stress out because I know of one that's a couple of hours away and I can go with you if you want. That way, no one knows who you are and you don't have to tell anyone your last name. It's all anonymous. But you have to have a sponsor to talk to when you feel that urge. If it would make you more comfortable, I'll be your sponsor." I tell him. "Yeah. That would be great." he tells me. "Now, tell me how you got started using." I tell him. "I started seeing this chick and her brother was a dealer. I started seeing her using and she talked me into it and it didn't take long before I was hooked." he tells me. "Well, one thing we need to work on is finding ways to help you fight the urge on your own. I will be there anytime you need me. I don't care if it's the middle of the night or if I am at work. You need to talk, you call me. I will always make time for you." I tell him. "Thank you." he says. "Now, Happy tells me you used to arm wrestle and box?" I asked. "Yeah. I did both when I was in the Marines." he says. "That's good. We can use that. Do you remember your training routine?" I asked. "Yeah. Why?" he asked. "Because, when you start feeling that urge pulling you, start going through your training routine. Having that routine of things to concentrate on, will start helping your brain rewire itself. Since you will be doing it when you have the urge to use, it will eventually replace that urge with the urge to train. Does that make sense?" I asked. "Yeah. It does. And I loved training." he says. "Good. So, now we have a little bit of a plan, the next thing I want you to do, is take your phone and delete all of your contacts that are either dealers or people you used with." I tell him. I hand him his phone and he does it without even thinking about it.

We spend the next little bit just talking. Him telling me about himself and me telling him how I got into the field that I am in. "I'm actually a licensed therapist and could run my own practice if I wanted but I specialize in addictions." I tell him. We talk a little more and he starts getting tired. "You need to eat something before you sleep." I tell him and head to the kitchen. During the times that he was sleeping, I would make meals and Kelly, Lee's Old Lady, would send meals up here so that we could all eat. I heat him up some lasagna and he sits down to eat. "This is good." he says. "Aunt Kelly made it." I tell him. He goes on eating but still isn't eating a lot. I walk to the bedroom with him and help him get into bed since he's still weak and once he's in bed he grabs my hand before I walk away. "Thanks for everything Doc." he says. "No problem. I just want you to get better." I tell him smiling.

Happy comes in and I am sitting in the kitchen just staring at my glass of water. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah. Just planning out the next step." I tell him. "He okay?" he asked. "Yeah. He's getting better. Hey, is there any way you could help me set up some boxing equipment in the den? I can have Uncle Lee bring it up. Might help him get some of his strength back. But I need a favor from you." I tell him. "Shoot." he says. "I told him that when he gets the urge to use again, to start doing his boxing training from when he was in the Marines. It will help rewire his brain that eventually will cause that urge to use to become that urge to train. He might need someone to help keep him in check when I'm not there. I told him that I would be his sponsor but you are around him more than I am." I tell him. "I got him." he says. "Thanks Happy." I say.

Calling Lee, he gets Lorca to help him bring the boxing equipment to the cabin. The three of them set everything up for me and before they leave, Lee asks to talk to me privately. "How's he doing?" he asked. "Good. Really good. He's been up most of the day so that's a big improvement. I told him that I would be his counselor and his sponsor so that it can be contained to just who needs to know but he will have to start going to NA meetings. I have him set up with one out of town and I will take him and stay with him." I tell him. "I appreciate that sweetheart." he tells me. "You know I would do anything for this club. Members included. Plus, he's really a nice guy." I tell him and he smirks. "He's a patient. Don't go there." I tell him. "You know me and your dad wanted you with a SON." he tells me. "Well, I'm just concentrating on getting this one well." I tell him, shaking my head. Lee leaves and I go to check on Kozik. He's still sleeping but I pull the covers up over him and just watch him sleep. "He okay?" Happy whispers. "Yeah. He's getting there." I tell him before following him out of the room.

Sitting in the living room with Happy, he asks "So you're Lee's niece?" I nod and say "My dad was a SON so I grew up with the club. The club actually paid for college for me." I tell him. "Who was your dad? I know Lee had two brothers that were SONS." he asked. "TJ was my dad. He was killed when I was about twelve years old and Lee and Kelly took me in. They raised me and helped me through school. Made sure I got my PhD." I tell him. "Wow." he says. "Yeah." I say. We talk a little longer about nothing and everything until I finally decide to head to bed. "I'm heading to bed. You should get some sleep too." I tell him and he nods.

Waking up the next morning, I cook breakfast. "Can you get Kozik up?" I asked Happy and he nods. They come into the kitchen and I put their plates in front of them with glasses of juice. Sitting down with my own, I tell Kozik, "Happy and I have a surprise for you when you're done eating." He looks at me confused but nods and starts to eat. His appetite seems to be coming back more which is a good sign. Getting up, we clean up the kitchen and we show him to the den. "You need to get your strength back up so Happy is going to work with you a little each day. I put in a request for more time off so I can be here to get you where you need to be. This afternoon, the three of us are driving to Portland, Oregon for a NA meeting. I have us a hotel room reserved so we don't have to come back tonight." I tell him. "Will you go in with me?" he asked. "If you want me to then yes. First meeting you don't have to share if you don't want to but the next one I will ask you to." I tell him. "Okay." he says. I leave the den and let Happy help him get started. An hour later, I walk in and see him and Happy shirtless and just stand there watching. He looks at me and smirks and I just shake my head. "How's it going?" I ask. "Good. He's getting his strength back. Given some really good hits and his stamina is better." Happy says. "Good. Both of you get showered. We need to leave in an hour. Pack for the night." I tell them and they nod and do what I ask.

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