Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Standing there with our foreheads touching, I lean forward and softly kiss his lips. He pulls me as close as he can get me and deepens the kiss and I feel myself getting lost in the kiss. Finally breaking the kiss, he pulls me to the bed and sits down, leaning against the headboard he pulls me between his legs. "I promise you won't regret this." he says. "Koz, I trust you. I'll still be your sponsor if you want me to." I say. "Yeah. But I like you better as my girl." he says and I smile a little. We just sit there, holding each other for a while when there's a knock on the door. "Yeah." he calls out. The door opens and I see my Uncle Lee standing there. "You guys good?" he asked. "Yeah Uncle Lee. We're good." I tell him. "Koz we got church in ten." he says and Koz nods. "Will you stay here and wait for me? I still want to take you out." he says. "Yeah. I'll wait. I'll hang here with Kelly while you guys are in church." I tell him. Tilting my face up to look at him, he kisses me softly and says "I could never thank you enough. You saved me." he says. "You saved yourself. I was just there for support." I tell him. "No baby, you saved me." he says and I snuggle closer to him.

Walking back out to the main room, he kisses me softly before heading into the chapel. Walking over to Kelly she asks "You and him okay I take it?" I smile a little and say "Yeah. He, uh, wants to be with me so we are going to see where it goes." I tell her. "Good. You know he's fought hard to stay sober. Barely drinks beer these days. "Yeah, I kinda told him when he said he was into me before that when he made it to his six month coin, I'd let him take me out to celebrate." She laughs and says "Now that's motivation." I laugh a little too. "We're going out after church if he doesn't have anything he has to do for the club." I tell her. A few minutes later, the guys come out and Uncle Lee walks over to me. "Koz says he got his six month coin." Lee says. "Yep." I say. "Says you told him he could take you out once he got that." he says. "Yep." I respond again. "Have fun but he hurts you and I'll beat his ass." he says before hugging me. "I hear ya." I say. Koz walks over and asks "You ready?" I smile and nod my head and he takes my hand and leads me out to his bike. Handing me a helmet, I look at it and it says 'Lady Doc' on it, I laugh. "Had it made for you this morning after I got my coin." I start laughing and put the helmet on and get on the back of his bike.

Pulling off the lot, we ride for a while before pulling off to this beautiful beach area. It's late afternoon so he gets the blanket out of his saddle bags and takes my hand, intertwining our fingers. Walking me out to the sand, near the water, he puts the blanket down and we both sit next to each other watching the waves roll in. Putting his arm around me, I move over in between his legs and we just sit. Wrapping his arms around me, we don't say anything. We just sit in a comfortable silence. After a little while, I see him reach into his kutte pocket and he pulls out a chain. "Will you wear this?" he asked softly. Putting the chain in my hand, I see that it's his Marine dog tags. "Are you sure?" I asked, sitting up and looking at him. "I'm sure. You're my girl. I want you to have something showing you are with me." he says. "Okay." I say. He takes them from me and puts them on me. I lay back against him and stroke the dog tags with my fingers while we watch the sun set. I turn, facing him, and kiss him softly. Straddling his lap, he holds me close as we kiss and everything feels right. After a little while of just being together, it's dark. We get up and head to his bike and head back to the clubhouse.

Pulling into the lot, I get off his bike and put my helmet in his saddle bags. "Thank you for tonight." I say. Kissing me softly after he gets off his bike, he says "My pleasure." I kiss him one more time before getting into my car and heading home, leaving him at the clubhouse, both of us smiling.

Walking into my house, I text him I'm home. I put my phone on the charger and hear it ping with a text. Good. Sweet Dreams Doc. See you tomorrow. I smile at the text before getting in the shower. Once out of the shower, I see a text from Kelly.

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