Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Later that day, we are sitting in the living room and Koz is feeding Lily. I have my head leaned on his shoulder. "I love you Herm." I say. He looks at me and says "I love you Randi." I see that Lily is asleep so I take her from him and take her to her nursery and place her in her crib. Standing there looking at her, Koz walks in behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck softly before placing his chin on my shoulder. "You okay momma?" he asked. I turn in his arms and say "Yeah. Just thinking." I say. I take his hand and lead him out to the back deck with the baby monitor. I sit down on the steps and he sits beside me. "I was thinking about us and Lily and how I never thought I would have this. You know, I never thought that I would ever have a family. I never thought I would find someone that would love me knowing I couldn't give him kids." I tell him and a tear falls down my cheek. He wipes the tear away and says "Baby, you are an amazing woman. You're beautiful, smart as hell and you're an amazing wife and mother. Hell, without you, I'd literally be dead right now." he tells me. "You and Lily are my world, Herm." I tell him. He pulls me into his lap and says "You two are my everything."

I lay him back and straddle him. Leaning down, I start kissing him. He deepens the kiss and runs his hands up my thighs to my ass, Raising the sundress up over my ass, he slides the tips of his fingers under the edge of my panties as I start kissing down his neck, leaving love bites along the way. I sit up and take off my dress. He leans up and takes my nipple into his mouth and I arch into him. He I unbuckle his pants and he slides them down enough to release his hard member. He moves my panties to the side and I slide down onto his hard member. Sliding up and down on his cock until I find my release with him following right behind me. Catching our breaths, I say "I think outdoor sex is quickly becoming my favorite." He starts laughing and says "I agree. Of course, I think we gave that croweater a show at the party last night." he tells me. "You knew she was there?" I asked. "Baby, I was a Marine and a SON. I am always aware of my surroundings." he tells me and I start laughing. "Yeah, I know they were doing a lot of whispering when we came back in." I tell him. "Well, I can say you never cease to amaze me." he says. "How's that?" I asked. "You are the first woman that wasn't a croweater to let me fuck her against a wall where we could get caught." he tells me. "Really?" I asked. "Why are you so surprised?" he asked. "You're a SON. Most SONs are man-whores." I tell him. "Well, I'm your man-whore." he tells me." I start laughing and he picks me up, and the monitor and we head inside for him to take me again.

Waking up the next morning, Koz is gone. I get up and head to Lily's room and she's not in there. Walking into the kitchen, Koz is at the stove cooking and Lily is in her bouncer on the counter and he's talking to her. "Mommy is going to be so surprised. Me and you making her breakfast. Ain't that right baby girl?" he coos to Lily and she just watches him and smiles. I walk over and place my hand on her tummy and she smiles at me. "Morning baby." I say. "Morning babe." he says before kissing me softly. "You didn't have to cook." I tell him. "I wanted to. You do so much for me and Lily, we wanted to do something for you." he tells me. "Do you have to work today?" I ask. "Yeah. The sitter will be here shortly." he tells me. "Okay. I'm gonna get dressed." I tell him and head to the bedroom. Once done, I head to the kitchen and take the bottle from Koz and start feeding Lily while I eat. After breakfast, I clean the kitchen while Koz gets ready for work. The sitter shows up and we both head out for the day.

Walking into my office, my assistant follows me in. "Good morning Dr Kozik." she says. "Morning Mary. What's on the schedule for today?" I asked. "Your first appointment is a referral from the hospital. Marci James. She was admitted for attempting suicide." she tells me. "Okay." I say. A few minutes later, she leads Marci in. "Hello Marci. I'm Dr Kozik. How are you feeling today?" I ask. "I don't know." she tells me. "Why don't you tell me what brought you here?" I ask. "I tried to kill myself." she tells me. "Why did you try to kill yourself?" I asked. "I was raped." she tells me. "Did you report it to the cops?" I asked. "No." she tells me. "Why?" I asked. "He is a cop. He's my boyfriend." she tells me. We talk a little more and I ask her "Do you have somewhere safe you can go?" She looks at her hands and shakes her head no. "Let me make a phone call. I might can help. I don't want you to leave here and not feel safe." I tell her.

Picking up my phone I call my Uncle Lee. "Hey baby girl." he says. "Hey Uncle Lee. I need your help. You still have that safehouse?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" he asked. "I have a patient that needs somewhere safe to stay." I tell him. "Can you take the rest of the day?" he asked. "Yeah." I say. "I'll have your Old Man and Happy bring the van and you can take her there and get her set up." he tells me. "Thanks Uncle Lee. Love you." I say before ending the call. I call my assistant and tell her to reschedule my appointments for the day, I walk back over to Marci. "Okay, my husband and his best friend are coming to get us now. We'll take you to get some things and then head to the safehouse." I tell her and she just nods.

A few minutes later, my assistant walks in and says "Your husband is here." I nod and get Marci together. We head out to the lobby and I introduce her to the guys. "Marci, this is my husband Koz and his best friend Happy. Guys, this is Marci." I say. We head out to the van and Koz drives with Happy in the passenger seat and me in the back next to her. We get to her house and no one is home. We get inside and she packs her things before heading out to the van. Once we are walking out, we are putting her things in the van and a car pulls up. "That's him." she whispers to me. I nod to Koz and he gets Happy's attention. "Who the fuck are you?" the guy asks. "We're taking her with us." Koz says. "No you aren't. Marci, get your ass back in the house." he tells her and she stiffens up. "Come on sweetheart. Let's get in the van." I say and she steps inside with me behind her. "Goddamn it Marci, get out of that van." the guy yells. "You come near her again and cop or no cop, I'll slit your Goddamned throat." Happy says to him. He backs off and the guys get into the van and we pull out of the driveway and head to the safehouse.

Walking into the safehouse, Koz and Happy take her bags to the room she will be staying in before coming back out to the living room with us. "Tell me what happened." I say. "He came home drunk and wanted sex. I told him I wasn't in the mood and he forced himself on me." she says. "How long has he been hurting you?" I asked. "Since we moved in together a year ago." she tells us. I look at Happy and see his jaw twitching. "You're safe here but you don't leave here until he's handled." Koz tells her and she nods. "Thank you." she says. "Let's let you get a shower and some sleep." I tell her before showing her where everything is. Back in the living room I hear Happy and Koz talking. "That fucker is mine. He won't touch her again." Happy says. "We won't let that happen." Koz says. "I won't let that happen." Happy says and I can't help but smile.

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