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Ella just got out of high school, and was ready for college. She already got an apartment and was ready to get unpacked inside of it.


Diane walked into her new apartment. She looked around. The apartment was surprisingly in good shape after being empty for so long. Diane walked over to the first room near the kitchen.
"Holy crap," Came a voice behind her.
Standing in the doorway was a short girl. She had short brown/blonde hair with one blue streak in her bangs. She wore a purple shirt and a leather jacket with ripped jeans. Her shoes were laced up to her knees.
"You're Diane Everdeen!" she said surprised.


Ella couldn't believe her eyes. The actress that she was looked up to was in her new apartment.
"The one and only," Diane said cheerfully. She walked over, and stuck out her hand for Ella to shake.
Ella took her hand and shook. She felt like Ant-man shaking Captain America's hand
They released there grip on each other and stood around awkwardly.
"I'm Ella," Ella said breaking the silence.
"Nice to meet you, Ella" said Diane turning around. "Come on, this apartment isn't going to fill itself up!"


E walked up the stairs to her new apartment.
Why isn't the stupid elevator working? She thought, hiking up the stairs.
When she reached the floor of her apartment she collapsed on the wall.
"You ok?" Came a voice beside her.
E looked over and saw a blonde girl with extremely long hair that went to her knees. She had on a long blue jacket.
"Yes I'm fine," E said while brushing off her dress even though here was nothing on it. "I just wish that this place knew how to take care of there elevators."
The girl let out a giggle and said, "I'm actually new, so can you help me find my apartment."
"What makes you think that I know my way around?" E asked confused.
"Well for starters... you don't have any luggage," she explained.
E looked around she swore she had it. It was a yellow bag with wheels on the bottom.
"I had luggage but-" Before she could finish the girls heard a big crash.
They looked down the stairs and saw a yellow bag crushing a vase and flower.


El looked down at the mess. She stood at the top of the stairs with a small girl with blonde hair and beautiful green eyes, the girl had on a yellow dress.
She told El that she had luggage, so El guessed that the bag that caused the crash was the girls.
"I'm guessing that the bag is yours," El said to the girl.
The girl nodded embarrassed.
El shrugged and walked down to pick up the bag. She walked back up the stairs and said, "Let's get out of here before anyone can accuse us of anything."
The girl nodded and ran along with El.
"By the way I'm El," El said as a conversation starter.
"I'm E," the girl said.
"Is that short for something?" El asked.
"No it's not," E said. "Is 'El' short for something?"
"No," El answered embarrassed.


Eleanor walked up the stairs, but when she turned the corner she saw a crushed flower pot.
Yeah, that's very five star. She thought sarcastically. Or that means that people on this floor are crazy. She thought
"Joy," she said to herself.


Ella sat on the couch talking with Diane. They got along very well. Then there came a knock at the door.
"Come in!" Diane called.
The door opened to reveal a short girl with blonde hair and a yellow dress, and a tall girl with long blonde hair and a long jacket.
"You guys must be our other roommates," Ella said while waving at them.
"We are," the tall one said. "I'm El and this is E."
"I'm Ella and this is-" started Ella, but she was interrupted by E.
"DIANE EVERDEEN!!!" E said squealing.
"Heh yep," Diane said a little embarrassed.


Diane get scared when people scream out her name. Of course she liked the attention at times, but not a lot of it.
"Sorry for the outburst," E said calming down.
"It's fine I'm used to it," Diane said reassuringly.
"We don't bite you can come in," Ella said jokingly.
The girls nodded and came in.


Eleanor made it to her apartment. Before she opened the door she heard talking.
Are there people already in there? She thought opening the door.
When she looked inside she saw a girl with brown/blonde hair cooking something in the kitchen. On the couch we're two blondes talking. The shorter one looked a little cross with the taller one. The sound of a shower could be faintly heard.
"You know it's rude to stare right?," said the one brown blonde hair. She had a purple tang top on and an oven mitt over her shoulder.
"Uh, sorry," Eleanor said.
"It's fine, you must be the other roommate we're supposed to be expecting," the girl said. "I'm Ella, and you are?"
"I'm Eleanor," Eleanor said.
"Well, welcome to the family!" Ella said warmly. "Over on the couch is E and El. E is the shorter one and El is the taller. And the one that's in the shower is Diane Everdeen."
Eleanor nodded and went over to the couch while Ella continued to make dinner.


Kreter ran up the stairs. After so many years of not being ready, or brave enough, to go to college she finally did it, and got an apartment all in the same day! She was hiped.
When she got to the floor of her apartment she walked quickly down the hallway. When she got to her apartment she knocked on the door.
"One sec!" came a voice from inside.
The door opened to reveal the famous actress Diane Everdeen. She had on a simple blue t-shirt and her hair was up in a towel.
"You must be the last roommate!" Diane said.
"Uh yeah," Kreter said.
"Come in!" Diane went inside of the apartment and introduced Kreter to everyone.

That was chapter one of this book. This book is actually my first book so I hope you enjoyed!!!!

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