Finding out more

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"WAIT WHAT!?" E said in disbelief.
"Yeah... uh I need to confess something as well," El said rubbing the back of her neck. "I also have powers, and I already knew about Ella and Diane's powers."
"What!? How?" Diane asked astonished.
"I accidentally ended up knowing what Ella was thinking when she gave me my food," El explained.
"So basically I sorta have telepathy."
"I have something to confess as well," Kreter said finishing a braid in Eleanor's hair. "I also have powers, mine is actually teleportation."
"So that's why I didn't here you when you got to the sink," Ella said remembering the "biscuit" incident.
"Yes, I teleported over there," Kreter explained.
"Ok that's impossible," E said getting on her feet. "If you teleported then the sound barrier would break and it would have destroyed Ella's hearing!"
Kreter sighed and explained, "The type of teleportation I have isn't the type you think I have. My teleportation is more like Thanos' when he has the space stone."
"Nerd," El muttered.
"Excuse me?" Kreter said teleporting behind El.
"AH!" El yelled.
"Well that's fine and dandy," E said.
Everyone looked at her.
"Is anyone else here 'Super'?" she asked obviously using sarcasm.
"Well," Eleanor said. "I might have a little bit of powers. They're nothing special it's just super strength."
"I can obviously see that I'm the odd one out in the group," E said a little disappointed.


El took in the words E said.
"Different's good," El said trying to raise E's spirit. "If everyone was the same then this world would be boring!"
E looked at El with hopeful eyes and said, "Thanks."
After a while there was an awkward silence until El broke it.
"Why don't we show each other how we use our powers?!" she said.
"I think it's a good idea," Diane said in agreement.
"But were are we going to do it at," E asked confused. "If we do it in here then we can end up destroying the whole building."
"We can do it on the roof," El said.
Everyone nodded in agreement, all except one. Ella. She was deathly afraid of heights, every time she gets in a high place she gets dizzy and might even faint.


Diane was already on the roof waiting for everyone else. Kreter arrived next. Then, El fallowed close behind by Eleanor. E got there a few seconds later, and now all they were waiting for was Ella. She finally arrived a minute after E got there.
"Alright now that everyone is up here we can start!" El said jumping on the side of the roof.
"I brought my notebook so I can wright notes about your powers," E said with pride. "So I'm guessing that El goes first?"
"Yep!" El said.
"Ok so you will have to try to move my pencil into the air," E said as she put her pencil on the ground.
El smirked and stood in front of the pencil. She closed her eyes and had a focused. After a while the pencil was lifted of the ground.
"Amazing," E said to herself. "Ok next is Ella."
Ella gave a nervous nod and walked over to E.
"Ok so in need you to try to burn this piece of paper from the ledge over there," E said pointing to the did of the roof.
Ella had a nervous look on her face but fallowed E's directions. When Ella got over there she spread her feet apart and got in a fighting position.
E grabbed a fire extinguisher and waited.
Ella stood at the side of the roof not daring to look down. But she did.
Diane saw the stress in Ella's eyes, and walked over to Ella.
"Ella look at me," Diane said.
Ella looked Diane in her eyes. While Ella was looking at Diane, Diane led her off the ledge.
"Is this better?" Diane said motioning to the roof.
Ella gave a nod and said, "Thanks."
Diane nodded in encouragement and walked away to witness Ella use her powers.
Ella stood there staring at the piece of paper. It was being held by a rock so it wouldn't fly away. All of a sudden Ella's hands lit on fire. Her hands were away from her body, so she wouldn't burn her clothes.
"Anybody got a piece of wood?" Ella asked smirking a bit.
"I can go back to the room and grab a pencil,"
Kreter said excitedly.
Ella nodded and Kreter stepped through a portal that appeared and came back out with a pencil. Kreter threw the pencil to Ella. When Ella caught it she threw the now flaming pencil at the peace of paper. The paper immediately turned into ash. E grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the fire.
"Ok so since Kreter helped Ella using her teleportation then she doesn't have to show us," she said.
"You don't say?" Ella said sarcastically.
E gave out a little humph and said, "Diane you're next. I'm going to need you to run five laps around the apartment building."
Diane was already off and running.
After a minute Diane got back eating a French fry.
"I ran to McDonalds and got some French fries," Diane said casually.
"Ok... Eleanor you're last," E said.
"YES!!!" Eleanor said excitedly. "What do I get to destroy!?"
"Slow your roll there skipper, E hasn't even told you if you're going to destroy anything," Diane said brushing salt from the fries off of her hands.
"I actually need you to smash one of the ledges," E said while pointing to the edge of the roof.
"Easy," Eleanor said popping her knuckles.
She walked over to a ledge and kicked it. The little spot that she kicked fell onto the ground.
"Whoops," Eleanor said turning around to see Diane and Kreter gone, and Ella and E making there way through the door. "Hey wait for me!!!"

Powerful Roommates (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now