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Diane woke up and put on a blue shirt. It was a Saturday, so she slept in a little bit, some one did not.
Diane walked out of her room to see Ella in her purple tang top making dinner. But then Diane saw something that made her just stand there with her mouth open.
Ella stood over the sink and was cooking a biscuit with fire... Coming out of her hands!
Diane tried to speak but all that came out was a quiet screech.


Ella looked over her shoulder and saw Diane just making a weird sound.
"Uh..." Ella started but she was interrupted by the smell of the burning biscuit in her hand. "Sh-"
"Language!" Diane said pointing at Ella.
After dropping the food into the sink and drowning it with water Ella said, "Really? That's what you say?"
"Well I'm stressed out and when I'm stressed I try to change the subject, and I don't like cursing," Diane explained.
Ella sighed and said, "Promise me you won't tell any of the others."
"I promise," Diane said.
"Promise what?" Kreter said walking up next to Diane.
"That I'll do the dishes today," Diane said making up an excuse on the spot.
"Ok..." Kreter said. "It smells like burnt bread in here."
"Uh.. I accidentally burnt a biscuit," Ella said.
"So you decided to drown it in water?" Kreter said looking into the sink.
"AH," said at the surprise of Kreter getting that close so quickly. "Yep."


Diane walked over to Ella who was listening to Bohemian Rhapsody on repeat with her earbuds.
"Hey Ella can we talk?" Diane asked.
"Sure" Ella said pausing her music.
They walked over to Ella's room (Which was all the way at the end of the apartment). When they stepped in Diane sat down on the bed, and looked around. The room was purple. She had two posters, one had Katniss Everdeen from the hunger games, and the other one had the Aphmau Emerald Secret poster. There were also one bookcase filled books. There was also a drum case leaning against the dresser.
"What did you need to talk about?" Ella asked.
"What I saw this morning," Diane said.


Ella feared this moment. She was never happy with talking about her powers mostly because the first thing people ask how she got them.
"I-I can explain... Actually I can't," Ella started. "I never liked them. And I swear that I would never use them to hurt anyone! I-"
"Calm down," Diane standing up. "I want to tell you you're not alone."
That shut Ella up very quickly.
"Listen you're not the only one with powers. I have them to," Diane said.
"Really!? I'm not alone!" Ella said smiling. "What are your powers exactly?"
"Super speed," Diane said saying it like it was totally normal.
"Should we tell the others?" Ella asked walking towards the door.
Diane nodded and walked to the door.


Kreter sat at the couch playing with Eleanor's hair. E was playing a game, that she kept yelling at, on the computer, and El was watching TV.
"FAMILY MEETING!!" Diane said running out of the room.
"We aren't related," E explained signing off the computer.
"Still a meeting," Ella said walking behind the Diane.
Diane got up on the table and got ready to tell them the secret.

Hope you enjoyed! And tell me what you think!

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