First day

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"WHO'S READY FOR THEIR FIRST DAY OF COLLEGE!?" El asked bursting into Ella's room.
Ella jolted awake and said, "El! What the heck?! Why are you in my room?"
"That's no way to greet your best friend," El said.
"That's also no way to wake someone up," Ella said getting out of bed.
"Touché," El said. "Well get dressed for college you slept in real late." With that El closed the door.


Diane was cleaning up the dishes while Ella got her and Diane's stuff ready.
The others already left for their first day of college.
"Ok, done with the dishes," Diane said drying off her hands.
"Ok good everything is ready," Ella said zipping up the backpacks.
"Wait there's something else we'll need," Diane said leaving in a flash and coming back just as fast with the super suits that E had made the day before.
"Why are we bringing the suits?" Ella asked.
"You never know," Diane said putting the suits in their backpacks. "Anyways everyone else did, so why not us."
Ella shrugged and grabbed her backpack. "Are you ready?"
"Yep, let's go," Diane said walking up to the door.


Eleanor and El walked down the sidewalk talking about how nervous they were. But talking about nervousness makes El nervous, or at least more nervous than she was before, so she tried to change the subject.
"So were did you live before you went to this college?" El asked as a conversation starter.
"I used to go to high school in Paris for one year, but then I moved here and I finished my years in America," Eleanor explained.
"Why don't you talk in the French language then?" El asked.
"Well people here aren't French, so....," Eleanor said.
"You say things that people already know, like," El thought for a moment. "Oh like, 'Oui' or 'mon ami'."
Eleanor gave a sly smirk, "Or mon amor?"
El, "What does that mean?"
Eleanor face palmed and they stayed silent on the way to school.


E and Kreter were completely silent on the way to school.
"Look out!!!" came a voice from behind them.
The girls turned around to see a black haired kid riding around on a skateboard completely out of control.
Kreter and E jumped out of the way. The boy's skateboard ended up getting a wheel stuck in a crack in the sidewalk, and he fell face first into the pavement.
"Ow," the boy said in pain.
Kreter ran over to him and helped him up. "Are you ok?"
"Yes," said the boy standing up.
He was tall and was only a bit shorter than Kreter. He had blue eyes and tan skin. His hair was a little long. He also had a small gash on his arm from the crash.
E walked over to them.
Kreter looked at the boy. "Do you want to go ahead and walk to school with us?"
"That would be nice," the boy said.
"While we're walking let me offer you some advice," E said while they walked. "Don't go barreling down a sidewalk with a lot of cracks on a skateboard that you don't even know how to drive."
"Well maybe I did it on purpose," the boy said flirtatiously.
E got a little nervous and asked, "Why are you saying it like that?"
"Maybe I crash around girls so I can get them to hold me," the boy said smirking.
"No you don't," Kreter said flatly crossing her arms. "You just don't know how to ride a skateboard."
The boy looked embarrassed.
"Come on," Kreter said. "We should probably get to school."


"I'm just going to say it," Ella said standing in front of the door to college. "I don't want to go to school."
"Come on Ella, I'm sure that it's going to be fine," Diane said reassuringly.
"I sure hope you're right," Ella said. She then opened the door with caution and walked in.
Almost instantly the temperature felt like it dropped to 30 degrees unlike what it felt like outside, 80 degrees.
Diane almost instantly got cold.
"Welcome to school," Ella said sarcastically.


Diane laughed at Ellas statement then she heard a million people running towards the doorway saying something.
As they got closer she heard what they were saying, and she didn't like it.
"AAAHHHHHH DIANE EVERDEEN!!!" They said running towards her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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