Chapter 7 : Why did you..?

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Hehe sorry that chapter 6 was short, but I'm pretty sure you prefer me not changing my mind and killing Misaki~ anyway chapter 7 is here! I don't own Junjou Romantica~

Misaki POV


I looked over painfully and saw Usagi, he was dripping wet and he was rushing over to me with a look of relief and concern on his face. If that was even possible. I smiled at Usagi, happy that he had looked for me, I knew that I wouldn't be walking for a few minutes and I didn't want to be alone.

"H-ey Usagi..I think I'm okay- I just have a scratch.."

I had trouble speaking through my coughing, Usagi was now at my side and he bagan patting my back in an even rhythm to help with my coughing.

"Misaki... What were you doing there before you fell..?"

Usagi's voice was filled with anxiety, as if he was fearing a certain response.

Does he think I was debating on jumping?.. I don't want to die yet.. I was just looking at fish.

"I was looking at the fish"

I coughed, I felt Usagi become less tense as if a big burden had been lifted from him.

So he really did think that..

Don't worry Usagi..

Not yet..

"Misaki.. I have an important question.."

I looked at Usagi confused, his lavender eyes filled with worry.

"Sure Usagi ask away"

"Why...did you... Brush away my hand"

Usagi's voice was filled with so much hurt, I didn't expect to hurt him, I had just wanted Usagi to be safe for as long as possible.

I looked at Usagi, upset that I had caused trouble for him once again. Even though he doesn't have much time left.

"I.. Didn't want you to fall with me, I'm sorry, it's not that I didn't want to be saved, it's the complete opposite Usagi! I wanted to be saved , I don't want to die.."

Usagi pulled me close and hugged me, his warmth was welcomed greatly because I was freezing.

I'm sorry for worrying you, it's true I don't want to die

Not yet anyway..

"Misaki.. Lets head back, it's cold out"

Usagi's breath warmed me, I nodded and allowed Usagi to help me to the car. I was still weak from the shock.

As Usagi drove us home, I kept blowing into my hands to warm myself up. I glanced over at Usagi.

He must be freezing..

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have caused so much trouble.

I leaned against the window as we drove home, watching the cars pass us.

"Usagi.. I'm sorry.. I've been causing you so much trouble lately.."

Usagi's hand ruffled my damp hair like he usually does, he glanced over at me then looked at the road again, the kindness in his lavender eyes made me feel slightly lighter inside.

"Misaki it's not your fault, accidents happen.. As long as you're okay.. That's fine with me"

Usagi.. But what about me? You're not okay.. I'm so worried about you..

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