Chapter 8 : How can I help?

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Chapter 8 is here! :D I don't own Junjou Romantica, as always.. But I own this fanfiction~ Nya let the chapter start!

Misaki POV

Usagi had driven us home and we were now in the living room.

"Usagi, I'm fine! Stop fussing over me!"

I yelled as I tried to push the silver haired man off of me, he had been trying to apply medical attention to my arm. Failing completely.

"Misaki, you're hurt! I need to help you!"

Usagi whined as he held down my good arm to reduce my mobility. I looked at the mess of bandages on my arm and sighed, my arm felt so bulky and it really wasn't serious at all.

"Usagi, it already stopped bleeding, I'm fine!"

I managed to knock away the first aid his with my foot, when Usagi went to grab it I wormed my way out of his grasp.

"Misaki there was so much blood in the water.."

Usagi was frowning at me his lavender eyes looked were filled with concern, I sighed.

"Usagi blood spreads out when it's put in water, it may have looked like a lot but it actually wasn't. If it was, our clothes would have been stained red"

I hope my explanation makes Usagi feel a little better.

Usagi knelt down towards me and held my left hand.

"My Misaki, I'm sorry I just love you so much that I can't help but worry for you"

His voice was like silk and his lavender eyes were filled with compassion. I couldn't stop the blush from spreading across my face. I pulled my hand away.

"Baka Usagi!"

I went to walk away from him but he wrapped his arms around my neck and leaned on me.

"Misaki, you're just too cute"

His breath tickled my ear as he whispered.


How can you say such embarrassing things...

Baka Usagi..

My blush deepened at Usagi's words, he smiled a smile I hadn't seen in a while. His sly one. I turned towards him.


Usagi took a step towards me, I took a step back, this continued until my back was against the living room wall.


I asked, I was completely flustered, Usagi moved closer so his arm was resting against the wall, he looked down at me, his eyes were shining.

"I want Misaki"

Usagi's words made me blush even more, if that was even possible. He went to kiss me but he suddenly dropped to his knees and went into a coughing fit.


I crouched right away and checked on him, he seemed to be in pain.


What do I do?!?

Should I call the hospital?

"Misaki.. Water.."

Usagi's voice sounded broken through his coughing fit.

I ran to the fridge and took out the jug of water I placed in when we got back from the hospital. I hastily poured Usagi a glass of water then ran it over to him, he drank it but his coughing continued.

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