Please be mine~

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Author's POV~
(Ima try something different, like something not so fluffy)

America's feet was moving like the speed of light, she had to get out, she had to. It was freezing as hell but she didn't care, all she needs to do was escape out of Russia's territory as fast as she can. "Meri~" a voice that'll forever be in her nightmares called out, making America bite her lip so she can't make any noise that will make her a easy target. Then she felt pain in her right leg, it was a bare trap. America couldn't hold it any longer, she shrieked in pain. "There you are, beautiful." Russia smirked revealing himself, America felt hot tears pouring out eyes. "Don't worry, you're safe now." Russia chuckled before injecting a syringe on the side of America's neck, then everything went black for America.


"Ugh, why does my brain feel swollen..." America mumbled slowly opening her eyes, she tried to move but her body won't budge. She panicked, she was chained to a armchair sitting in front of a fireplace. "I see you're awake~" Russia said pecking America on the cheek, "Let me go." America growled glaring daggers at Russia. "Aw, you're so cute when you're mad." Russia chuckled, "Why." America asked earning a confused glance from Russia. "Why are you doing this? I know I'm not the best country, but do I really deserve this?" America sniffed tears threatening to pour out, Russia showed a sad smile. He wiped the tears off her face, "You're to beautiful to cry." Russia smiled eyes glowing a little. America just looked away avoiding eye contact, Russia softly made her look at him.

"You're my one and only, I seen how Philippines, Mexico, and Japan look at you. I can't afford too lose you to such small and puny countries." Russia hissed saying their names with disgust, "But Russia, you can have almost any girl you wanted. Why would you choose someone like me? And why like this? Plus Mexico, Japan, and Phil are just my friends..." America said praying in her head that her family will noticed she's missing, "Just look at yourself, who wouldn't want you?" Russia smiled softly rubbing his hand against her cheek earning a little blush on her cheeks. America sighed giving up on trying to persuade Russia to let her go, her only hope is if her allies/friends or family will noticed her disappearance.

Somewhere else

"Where is my daughter!?" Britain shouted panicking as the rest of the family looked everywhere, "S-she's not answering her phone!" Canada stuttered his eyes reddish from crying while Australia was spamming the call button on America's contact on his phone. France was sitting on the couch calling every allie the family has to to asked if they at least spot America today, then Brazil answered. France put the phone on speaker for everyone to hear, "America? I was just talking to her like two hours ago, she said she's going to Russia's territory so she can visit Russia since its been a long time since they hunged out with each other." Brazil explained earning terrified looks from the whole family.

"And that was the only time you seen her?" France asked, her lips quivering with fear. "Yes, is there something wrong?" Brazil said through the phone, "Yes, please alert the others about America's disappearance." France said trying to hold her self from crying, France then thank him before hanging up. "That commie bastard." Britain growled gritting his teeth in anger, "Sweetheart, please calm down. We're still unsure if Russia has anything to do with her disappearance..." France said trying to calm her husband even though she was on the verge of a panic attack.

"Your phone has been ringing a lot." Russia said pulling out America's phone that keep beeping or ringing with calls and messages, America just looked down knowing how terrified her family might be. Suddenly there was loud knocking on the front door, Russia narrowed his eyes in annoyance and put a handkerchief over America's mouth so she couldn't speak or scream. Something died inside of Russia when he saw it was Mexico at the front door, Russia glared at the shorter male. "Hey Russia have you seen America? Philippines said he last saw her here." America was trying her best to at least make a loud shriek to get Mexico's attention but no one can hear her, "No, and why do you want to know?" Russia sneered as Mexico blushed a little. "I-uh just wanted to ask her something." Mexico stuttered fiddling with his fingers, Oh hell no. "Whats the point? America doesn't want anything to do with you, she's mine." Russia sneered making Mexico's eyes widen.

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