What's Wrong With Me?

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I have nothing against Russia if that's what you're thinking, he's actually my second favorite country after Canada

Author's POV-
(You guys are probably tired of all these fem!America oneshots...)

(Read till the end, this is not angst, don't worry 😉)

America laid on the couch inside the apartment her and her 'loving' boyfriend shared, who's probably drinking or banging another chick. America sighed, why is she with this backstabber? Her brothers were right, she should've ran off with the Philippines when she had the chance. America reluctantly gotten off the couch and headed to the bathroom just to look at herself in the mirror, America turned head a little as she looked at her reflection. The slap mark Russia gave her was still there, healing. Almost every night Russia will always come home drunk as ever with a bunch of kisses and and lipstick smudged on his neck, America knew Russia was cheating but didn't say anything about it since she's scared of the bigger country. America turned on the sink and gathered some water in her hands and splashed it in her face, feeling sort of better she then turned on the bathtub faucet. A nice,warm, and comfortable bubble bath might calm her enough for the day.

Russia walked through the apartment door obviously in a bad mood, some idiot set his favorite bar on fire. As he walked through the living room he felt something wet on the carpet. Russia then noticed the missing vase and the pieces of it in a plastic bag on the coffee table, Russia clenched his fists angrily, it seems that America accidentally broke the vase Russia gotten from his father. 'Where's that little cyka..." Russia growled walking up the stairs, he checked the bedroom,bathroom, until he found America in the kitchen making dinner and washing the dishes quietly. She did not spared one single glance at the Russian, she knows he's there. "Glad to see home sober, Russia." America hummed, not even calling Russia the nickname she gave him when they were kids. Russia flinched noticing she said his full name instead of the past nickname, Russia growled and stomped his way to America. He grabbed America's shoulder and turn her around harshly and sharply, America looked up at him with sad, lifeless eyes. Russia's eyes softened a bit, then shook his head and raised his hand indicating that he's about to snap America face, America flinched shutting her et's waiting for impact. Just as Russia was about to slapped he innocent country, a memory crossed his mind.


"When we get older, I'm gonna marry you no matter what!" The small Russian exclaims eagerly as he drags little America through the neighbor hand in hand, "You would what?" America asks her face as red as the big bow in her hair. "Marry you, of course!" Russia says eagerly stopping in front of his house still not releasing America's hand, America flustered up.

"Really? But-"

"Nope! It's already decided we are gonna get married when we grow up!"

"A-alright Russ, I'll love to be your bride." America smiled her cheeks still tinted with blush, suddenly the ringing of a bell can be heard in the distance. "Ameriqúe, Come home for supper!" America's mother France yelled from the distance, Russia then let go of America's hand. "Look at that, it's already dinner time. We'll meet up by the country playground ight?" America says smiling already about to head off to her home, Russia smiled back and peck a kiss on America's cheek. America's face immediately started to heat up, she then shook her head and gave one last goodbye wave to Russia and ran home still looking as red as Russia's father. Russia smiled at how adorable America can be and walked inside his house feeling like today was a good day. Constantly reminding himself in his head to marry America when they're officially grown countries. He can't wait for it to happen.



"Big bear, wake up!"

Russia fluttered his green eyes opened to meant with his girlfriend's bright yellow eyes staring back at him, "You said that you're gonna take a quick nap on the couch only for your nap to be 3 hours, you had me worried! I was this close to call an ambulance when it took me 17 minutes to wake you." America exclaims worried placing her hand on Russia's forehead to see if he's having a fever. It...was all a dream? Russia thought blushing at the feeling of his girlfriend's soft hand, Russia smiled in relief.

He'll never forgive himself if he ever treats or touches America in such a way, Russia stood up from the couch scaring the American a little. He grabbed America's shoulders and brung her in to a hug, America hugged back, quite confused by the Russian's actions. "What have I ever done to deserve someone like you? I must be the luckiest country alive to have someone like you." Russia praised hugging America a little tighter making her squeak, "Aw, Russia you're making me blush." America giggled nuzzling her face in to Russia's chest. "No, I mean it. You're one of the best things that happened to me." Russia mumbled resting his chin on America's head, America hums with a smile. "Oh stop it, I'm lucky to have such a big, strong, and defiantly handsome country on my side." America chimes pecking the taller country on the cheek. Russia blushed and smirked and sat on the couch still hugging and keeping the smaller by his side.

"She really is the one..."

[This oneshot is basically an apology for makingg that angst oneshot, and I'm gonna make more male x male rusame oneshots since y'all are probably tired female America]

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