chapter 2

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"......Wakey wakey......, Wake up!!" my eyes flew open and jumped to my feet but fell. ¨What. The . Heck.¨ i cried out when i open my eyes and saw.... A DRAGON LIKE THE BOOK WOF. ¨ I-i must b-be dreaming, thi-this all a dream just need to close my ey-¨ i didn't finish my sentence before i bump into something and as i turned around it was a mirror, but when i looked into it... i didn't see me but a dragon in my place. ¨h-he-y ta-ke d-ee-p breaths, in, out, in, out¨ the voice sounded familiar, but not at the same time,... it felt comforting, smouth so i listen to, which made me realise i was having an meltdown that had me hyperventilate but he help me calm my breathing. Then he wrapped his arms and wings around in what seemed like hug ¨there there shush itś okay, itś okey shuush iḿ toby and you¨ he asked in a hush tone which the others probably couldn't hear, "P-payton, pa-ayton is m-my na-ame" i replied in the same hushed tone. "Okey any idea how you got here kiddo" "a-ll i re-mem-ber is be-ing suck into a vor-tex wh-ile on a p-lane w-ith m-my" "with your what kiddo" "O-oh m-my-! my friends and my sister they were on the plane, wha-at if they're here too! I HAVE TO FIND THEM!" "oh no not again, 'sigh' shuu your just getting yourself into a another anxiety attack, shuu it's okay,it's okay" as he says this stills holds me and wipes away my tears, i felt like i was a toddler again *so this is how it feels to be comforted by a big sibling* " h'sniff'how did you get here mr. toby" "hmm, oh me, well i... i was fighting monsters with my friends" "what, no way" "yep, but my guess you don't have in your world hmm" "wait ho-" "this is sadly not the first dimension i sent/brought to" "wait, i remember now your-" "ticci toby," "...awsome" "what, your a strange one but eh i'm weird to". He lets me go so i could stand as i did i gotten a better look at my new self. I saw that i had a light brown shade on my back starting from my snout, ending at my tip of my tail reaching the back of my wings, while underneath that was lighter shade of a brown creamy which was once a pale green due to my panic earlier, my face change as well i had a long, slender muzzle which was flat at the end, my were like a deer's but with no fur, over top of them were a pair of smooth horns which curled to a wave at the end. The most shocking part were my eyes, the whites turned to a light green, while my iris shifted to a light parakeet green, and around my eyes was a crest that framed them which was a shade of dark pastel green. "Payton" "oh! ,coming mr.toby" "hush we don't want them to find us first and it's just toby... oh by the way what do yo-u suppose we c-all each other in front of th-em without them kn-owing our real names kid-do" "umm, how about we come up with names that would blend in with what we are" "what are we then kiddo?" i paused at that question at then i answered, "well it seems to me i'm a mix?" "a mix of what exactly?" " a mudwing and a rainwing, i think" "you seem to know alot about this" " i just read the books" "so if you know all that, what am i then kiddo" at his question i wondered it as well since i didn't really took time to see what he look like now. I was shocked to find he look alot like me but there were slight differences despite being older, bigger *he was twice my size*,and slightly longer, plus a different color scheme. His horns were longer pointy, his body was similar to mine but much more slender, so he too was a rainwing/mudwing hybrid. While my colors were soft,and mellow, his were dark, and bold. His outer scales were a dark burnt amber, his underbelly was jade. When i looked into his eyes, the whites had turned into a coco brown, while his iris remained dark brown but when i look closer they were sprinkled with deep amber, and just like me they were framed except they were shaped similar to a lynx's fur pattern, the color was auburn. "The same as me,since we kinda look alike" "i guess, but hell we don't sorta look alike, we look as if we're brother and sister, in your case the little sister 'snickers'" "H-HEY, I'M NOT THAT LITTLE" "says the one who's only half my height 'laughs'". "HEY ANYONE IN THERE" a harsh cold voice rang out.

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