chapter 3

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"W-ell that can't be fri-endly, i guess we shou-" "wait they might be friendly, so let's just-just not tell them our names" "'sigh',ok-ay, but stay cl-ose ok-ay" " okay". As we towards the source of the voice, toby pulls closer with his wings and it felt like he was hiding me under his wings as if the per-dragon were to be friend or foe. When we got close enough to see the dragon, i saw it was a icewing *why did it have to be an icewing, why not a friendly rainwing not a mean scary icewing who breaths ice breath that can FREEZE you to DEATH,even though rainwings have acid venom that shoots out of their mouths, and mudwings can breath fire but i'm rambling let's continue* "Payton wh-at is i-t" "a-an icewing" "is i-t a thr-eat" "yes, one blast from their frost breath and you a dragon popsicle" "...'tic'...." the look on his face told me everything, the expression he was harden, serious, and as if he was readying himself for battle! "please don't tell me that your th-thinking of f-fighting them, they seem to be much older, and no offense all we can do is, camouflage, spit acid (if our bodies had enough sunlight), and maybe breath fire. If we're lucky, plus we aren't use to these bodies yet" "....F-ine....wa-it we can sp-it a-cid, and breath nevermind, just stay close" "'nods' " "okay, here we go". "He-llo" " huh, i knew i heard something, darkthought get back here, i think i found the so-called filthy hybrids of legends" as the icewing called out for this dark thought, he turned to us staring at us with his pitch black eyes, it felt like he was staring deep into my soul through my eyes, and when it felt as if i was staring into an soulless monster *i was right about him being twice the size of toby, which to me was freaking scary since he was leering at me and toby as if he hated our guts with passion. Wait darkthought that's an nightwing's name, only that tribe name it's people or dragons that way, but nightwings and icewings hate each other, which meant, for one of them to get with each other would mean they found something they hate more than each other. I don't want to find out when i already know the answer* "'shivers'" "'huff' how pathetic, where a lazy good for nothing rainwing, get together with a dumb as rocks mudwing, only to get an filthy hybrid that are only a combination of laziness and stupidity 'cackles'" "'GR-RR' who the hell are calling stu-pid, you p-iece of-" "t-oby, causing a fight is not an good idea. Please" i pleaded as nudged him to listen, *wait it seems like he didn't notice me yet* "what was that Spawn?" "non-thing!" "wait a minute how could i be foolish not to notice, your hiding something or someone underneath your wings show them or i will reveal them myself" he shouted out as he took an menacing step towards toby and I. "get back or i'll attack you without hesitation" " oh how cute the stupid hybrid thinks he can protect the other amboniation that's hiding behind him". what is toby doing why is he protecting me when even he knows that the icewing could beat him in a fight or kill him, was he really that willing to protect me. I looked at his face it was all i needed to have my answer. "wa-wait p-please don't f-fight" i was too worried that if they fought one of them would get hurt or toby could die trying to protect me, to think what the icewing could do to me before i broke out of toby's hold and rushed in between toby and the icewing. "What!" "kiddo, get back here now" what was done was quickly regretted when i stood in front of him paralyzed with pure terror, " 'gasp' what, your-you're hardly a dragonet, who in Tartarus would leave a hatchling untended" i flinched at the yell, toby notices this, and goes into big brother mode as he rushes to me. "hey she's not intended to, she has me to take of ice-breath" "you are not suitable, your not even an adult dragon, if i were to attack you, you have no chance of protecting yourself or her, you need an adu-" i shaking by now with tears streaming down my face, i wondered why he stopped in sentence, before i looked up and saw him looking down at us or specifically right at me but there were something different about his expression it was ashamed,confused, and worryness plus a hint of somthing else wonder, maybe it was my tears. My scales showed how afraid, and distressed i was, with their shades of green. Toby followed his gaze and saw my tears "sister," he wraps his arms and wings around me in an attempt in in calming me down "shuu don't worry, i'll protect you hush" as he said those words he glared at the icewing with all the anger he had at him, as his scales shifted to burning red shade of blood. ".. your, distress.." it seemed like the icewing was silently thinking, by his thoughtful expression. What seemed like an eternity, the icewing knelt to my height (toby tensed, and held me tighter) and spoke with a tender tone "'sigh' my apologies little ones for my harshness, my tribe aren't fond of hybrids or being sympathetic at all really but that does not give me a reason to be cruel even when it's only natural. Still i do not believe that the prophecy was true about the abandonment!"

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