Chapter 6

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"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" it was the last thing we heard icestar screamed before an light consumed him and then he was gone. "W-what did you do" "I sent him away from here with-" "your animus powers!" "a wh(tic)at ?" " an animus is a dragon that are able to enchant things, such as objects, animals, and dragons. Some examples of animus powers are disguising dragons, creating dreamvisitor, finding a specific dragon, or controlling another dragon." "I'm very impressed for a 3½ year old hybrid." "wh (tic)at the fu-" "lounge lynx." "....fine, i wouldn't want to upset my little baby sister" "i'm not an baby!" i shouted as lynx/toby rolls around laughing while the elder just smiled. "Do not take personality my dear little one" " okay mister dead-?" "I'm sorry my child but that is not my true name, let me properly introduce myself my child, i am snowhunter, or you may call snow if you like my child" "oh okay snow!" i replied cheerfully, "...." "lynx,...big bro?" " do we know your not working with ice breath and not tricking us like he did?" lynx/toby question accusingly. " I assure you my child i'm only trying to protect you, your family,and my world" "how do we even know your telling the truth! And i ain't your child!" "please lynx understand i'm not on icestar's side dear". As they keep arguing, i walk around the area we were at and i true to what snow said that we were inside a tree which must be colossal for it to have rooms, halls, and that can fit dragons that are huge. 'Oof, did i just trip on a root for crying out loud... please don't let them notice me now* but that thought died when i heard them rushed to my side, "willow are you okay my child" "i'm okay i think i tripped on a r-... a book!" i exclaimed when i saw what was not a root but a book or in their world a scroll but it look from our world before changing into a scroll..... *What the heck is happening?!?* "what the literal F$$k, is that" "it's a scroll young one it's....." as snow explained to lynx/toby what a scroll is, i picked the scroll up and opened it. On it look kinda like a poem without knowing i read it out loud.

"'Be worn for the the hatchling of mud and rain, for they hold powers within their claws

But do not fear for they bear the purest of hearts which no evil can bend.

within them hold a secret power that can even rival and bring out the light in The stalker of dreams.'

what does it mean stalker of dreams" "willow why are you reading that and do know -" "..... child...if it's what i think i means... but there haven't been an animus in either of the mudwings or rainwings this is impossible...unless?" "unless what misster snow?" i polity asked curiously. "My child i'll need to test something!" "Wouh how 'about no your not going to test anything on her" "this is serious child, if i'm right you're both in greater danger than i thought" "..okay, but don't you hurt her or else!" toby/lynx threatened snow. Snow paid no mind picking up an twig and handing it to me, "young one i would like to enchant this with whatever you want it to do, or be" "what-enchant you think i could be an a-animus, that can't be" "try, dear (sigh) try" "o-okay" I say unsteadily as take the stick from his paws. "I-i (deep breaths) i enchant this stick to find t-th-" *it felt like someone was from inside was taking over,but it felt as if it was me listening to someone using my voice to speak.* "To find the ones of the Hybrid Prophecy, and to obey me, willow the Animus of Rain & Earth" the voice within spoke to the others, the voice was clear,commanding their attention on me. When it was done i must of fainted since everything went black. "....willow.....WILLOW" to that yell i awoken to see snow and toby/lynx above. "What happened" "it appears that you taken over by a unknown force, while enchanting the stick....i know you may not...but please test it" "okay" i say as i stand up and picked up the stick, "find me, my sister but don't go to far ahead" as i let go the stick it started to float and move in a certain direction "welp here go" i say as our group followed it, i just hope i'll find the others safe and sound.

                                                                  To Be Continued......

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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