Chapter 4

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through his heartfelt words, i remembered how icewings treated each other; cold,cruel,spiteful,stricted, and uncaring. But this one he looks genuinely sorry for how he acted, and i could tell toby somewhat understand how sorry he was. When i looked toby in the eye, we made a silent agreement, which was why he released his hold *even if he hesitated*. The icewing looked shocked as he watch me approach him slowly, when i got close enough i sat down and placed my claw over his and when i saw my paw it once again changed by my emotions to a light baby blue with soft pastel greens. "M-my names.... Willow, i'm willow mr.?" "i am hail little willow" "'snickers'" "I'M NOT LITTLE!!!" "sure little sister" "'hmp'" "and what may be your name be?" "lynx, lynx's the names frost breath" "Hail, not frost breath young one" he replied slightly irritated "'giggle'" "so you thought that was funny little one,hmm how this!" he exclaimed before he picked me up and started to tickle me. "huh, HAHAHAHAHAHahaha" "willow you're ticklish?, hmm how 'bout i help!" "hahah-n-no tr-hahaha-traitor-haha" "alls fair in love and war" i couldn't stop laughing i was very ticklish, and with the both of them tickling me, i couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" i froze at the high pitch scream, storm and toby tensed at the scream. *storm had a partner darkthought was her name, at least i think she was female by her scream, what's happening to her.* "Deadheart, little ones get behind me NOW" "who, who are you talking about?" i asked him frighten out of my mind, and it showed on my scales as well, in the form of a pale lime upond my scales. "What is it, what do you mean, who's the heck is deadheart" "exactly as it sounds lynx now do as i say now" after hail said those words, a noise sounded about. (clank) it was like someone in armor, or when metal hits the ground but it sounded also like footsteps which got louder, and closer every second. I couldn't beleive what i was seeing, There were a group of dragons........made of STONE. Their skin were smooth, and white with lifeless black gems for eyes, it seem that they were carved by claw, each one of them seemed to be the same kind of dragon,.... An icewing. It was unatrual being stared at by dragons made of stone, then there was movement. They begained to part an way through them for something, or someone. After the stone icewings parted enough i saw an cloak figure, i couldn't make out what tribe they were from, or if they were alive or like the stone dragons.

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