chapter 5

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"Why hello little one" it's voice was soft and masculine, but reminded me of of how an grandfather would sound like, it was strangely comforting and not what i was expecting. "What did you expect little one, young or harsh like storm's" "(gasp) how did you kn-"; "how do i know what your thinking about my dear little one" "enough of this who the hell are you, and how do you read minds old guy" "(sigh) always so gruff my dear boy i mean no harm, i just want what is rightfully mine that's all my dearies" "LIAR, you are a murder, a cold blooded killer who wants to end all pyrrhia. You are an abomination that should never been born" "you call me a killer, but who was the one who brutally murdered hundreds of dragons, no matter what age they were, whether they were old as an elder or young as a hatchling! I do not want to end but save this world from heartless monsters like you, tricking poor souls with your disguise icestar!" storm froze at the name and his face darkens, "what i(tic)s he talking about storm or is that your real name" "w-wait toby we can't jump to conclusions we-" "hahahaha how naive!" to my horror i saw storm transforms before my eyes into the monster he truly was ...... ICESTAR!. His once white scales turned to separate colors, a malish black on the outside and a sick icey pale blue for his underbelly, his eyes which were pupaless now gained with crismon slits for pupils shining with insanity. His claws grow sharper, as his teeth turned to all fangs which twisted to a malicious smile, that he aimed for toby and me. But in the midis of his transformation toby already grabbed me and bolted to the elderly dragon in front of us, the said dragon ordered his stone soldiers to fight off the still transforming icewing or should i say hybrid. "Come young ones, hurry the stone guardians will hold him off long enough for us to escape and for me to get him out of and trap outside the island." *i doubt toby even listen to the kind elder who is saving us now this very moment i might add. I could tell by him running and not until he reached where he wanted to go* "toby,...TOBY STOP¨ ¨ca(tic)n't do that payton itś to dangerous for us¨ ¨but he needs help!¨ ¨i think he'll be alright¨ ¨it what we can do to repay him rrrr¨ i groaned as i just escaped his grasp ¨PAYTON¨ was all i heard before i rush to help the poor elderly dragon his fight against icestar. ¨aah¨ i ran to see that icestar got his claws on the elderly man not seeing that his hood was off. Without thinking i did something i never thought possible, i jumped on icestar's back and started biting, clawing, anything to get him off the elder. ¨arrgggg, get off you little brat now!!!¨ icestar screamed, his claws flaiying to get me off yet i held on bitting his neck until he yanked me off but not without me pulling a chunk of his neck with me. "why you little brat!¨ he shouted furiousely as he raised his claw to break my neck until" "stay away from her you jerk¨ toby yelled as he spit out his acidic venom at icestar's face. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, it burns, you foolish brats, i'll kill you all and i mean alllllllllllll!!!" "I won't let icestar, maximus luminoct cyro Lucius Annaeus Seneca alibi,".

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