🏮 Surprise!!! ✨

640 52 29

(Sweety's POV)

"So two lines mean positive and one line means negative, well I can't remember " I mumbled to myself.

I narrowed my eyes and examined carefully. "Wait! I should read the instructions again" I again spoke to myself. I hurried towards the room to find where the container box was. I saw it fallen down on the floor, I grabbed it.

Yes. I was right two lines mean positive and one line means negative.
I again looked carefully this time and I saw two lines. I assured myself.

"Oh. My. God" I grasped and sat on the chair. I quickly grabbed my phone and called Mom.

"Hello.. Amma..." I toke a deep breath.

"Yes, Sweetu? Are you crying? What happened dear?" she asked.

"Amma. I am pregnant." happy tears rolled down my cheeks. I placed my hand on my belly.

"Wow! Sweetu. It's a good news." she spoke with happiness. "Sweetu's dad. Our daughter is pregnant!" I could hear Mom yelling with joy at Daddy.

"Hello Sweetu. Congratulations! I am so happy for you my daughter." Daddy started to cry with joy.

"Sweety...where is Prabhas? Is he home. We want to congratulate him too" asked Mom.

"He is not here. He has gone for shoot" I told her.

"Haven't you told him yet?" She asked.

"No. I won't JUST tell me." I said giggling, in between my tears.

"So?" she questioned.

"I'll give him a surprise." I said with a huge smile.

"Ok!Ok! Congrats Sweetu. We can't wait to meet the baby and become grand-parents! We have to go and buy sweets now. Bye. God bless you. Smile always. " she smiled and ended the call.

I smiled. I looked into the mirror . I couldn't stop smiling.

"Congratulations Mrs. Uppalapati. You are pregnant" I said to myself and winked at the mirror. And touched my belly and my cheeks turned red. All the memories of me and Prabhas, from the first time we met to our wedding, flashed before my eyes.

"Baby, let's surprise your beloved father tonight." I caressed my belly.

Later that night

I sat on the bench, beside the lake, at the garden. I was wearing a sparkling black saree with silver borders and white blouse. There were lanterns hanging above me, I had tied them with threads to the bench, because feel sad when the lanterns fly away.

It was a moonlight night. All the stars were shining. And the lake was reflecting the beauty of the sky.

I heard a car being parked. I looked behind and it was my darling's Range Rover. I chuckled as I remembered the day when he used all the mathematics of his life to have a number plate with my birthday hidden in it.

He stepped out of the car. He smiled at me and waved his hand. He wore a white shirt, and the top three buttons were unbuttoned. Damn! He is sexy. No wonder he is the one who has made me pregnant. I blushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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