Chapter 8

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Four painfully long weeks had passed and Dean was still nowhere to be found. We decided to give up looking and just let him come to us when he was finally ready. But just in case he was never coming back, we decided to continue travelling around the country, fighting monsters and demons. Maybe we'd bump into Dean along the way. Now, all we could do was pray that Dean would eventually come back to us. We were currently sitting in a hotel, searching the web for information on a new job. A couple had been murdered in Seattle. Someone had claimed that they had been completely drained of blood.

"Dean's gotta be there," Sam said confidently.

"Why'd you think that?"

"Because he loves killing vamps."

"A little weird...but okay. Let's go and investigate."


Sam suggested that we go to the police station first, to get more information, so he got me a fake badge and gave me some fancy clothes to wear. Dean would never let me do anything like this so I was surprised when Sam let me help out. Once we were ready, we set off for the police station.

"So have you done anything like this before?" Sam questioned as we walked down the street.

I shook my head. "Nope. Dean always thought it'd be 'too risky'."


"Because I was new to all this. He probably thought I'd slip up or something."

"That is a good point."

"Hey." I laughed as I playfully jabbed him in the shoulder. "You're supposed to be on my side."

He let out a quiet laugh. "Sorry."

When we reached the police station, Sam talked me through the plan. We were posing as the FBI. I followed Sam inside and let him do most of the talking. I was too afraid I was going to say something stupid and mess this up for the both of us. We were only in there for around twenty minutes but it felt like a lifetime. I hated being under pressure. Now I know why Dean never let me do these types of things. He knew me too well. He probably knew I was going to be a liability. Luckily, I didn't manage to screw things up for Sam. But we didn't get any new information except for the address of the couple who were murdered.

Dean's POV

I slowly walked down the street and past the police station. I was contemplating whether or not I should go in and investigate. I heard about a murder in Seattle and it sounded like vamps, so I couldn't resist. But as I was walking by the police station, I froze when I saw two familiar faces. It was Sam and Zara.
Should I say hey? I thought. You know what, I'll find out where they're staying and surprise em.

With that, I quietly followed behind them until they stopped at a hotel. I was happy to see them again. But I had no idea what I was gonna say to Zara. I was horrible to her...and then I just left. It was probably going to get messy. I waited for them to go inside before I made a move. Couldn't let them see me too early could I.

Zara's POV

"Thanks for not ditching me," I said as I sat down beside Sam on the bed.

"Why would I ditch you?"

"I dunno. I guess I just thought you only put up with me because of Dean."

"Look, if I had a problem with you. I would've just said so. I don't give a crap about what Dean has to say, especially when it comes to girls."

I smiled. "You're so kind. You know that?"

He didn't respond. Instead, he just moved closer and gently pressed his lips against mine. I didn't even pull away. What was I doing? I couldn't betray Dean like this.

"Wait. Stop. We can't," I said, breaking the kiss.

Sam looked confused.

"You're Dean's brother."

"Damn right he's my brother," an angry voice said.

I turned around to see Dean standing in the doorway. "Dean?"



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