Chapter One

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Chapter One

Kagome sighed, pursuing her lips as she watched as Inuyasha and Miroku battled on the open field. Sango day next to her cleaning off her Hirako's with Kirara sitting next to her. Shippo smiled eating his cupcake Kagome brought him on her shoulder.

"Thanks Mama! That was really good!" Kagome looked down at him from the corner of her eyes and smiled.

"No problem Shippo-San." She said making him smile and drink his bottled juice Kagome also got him. The Bugs guts juice that all kids in her time drank. Shippo and the others were hesitant at first when they read the name but when Kagome explained the drink and they tasted it, they quickly changed their minds.

"So what the plan for today Kagome-Chan? You feel like finding more shards or are we done for today." She looked towards Sango who had sat her giant boomerang against a tree and gazed at her sister. Kagome simply shrugged and exhaled from her nose.

"Yea, I'm kinda tired and I have to get home soon. There's something really important I have to do tomorrow." Sango rose an eyebrow and curiously scooted closer towards the futuristic female.

"Really? What kinds of plans?" Kagome looked towards her and cracked a smile.

"'s just a family thing that I have to attend. I really don't want to go but I have to." Sensing Kagome's frustration she placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Kagome shrugged and scooped Shippo out off her shoulder and held her into her arm as her other placed her yellow backpack on. "Wanna walk with me to the well and I'll explain why?" Sango nodded and stood up and walked towards the edge of Kaede's village gates and walked into the forest and out of sight from the two males.

Inuyasha immediately brought down her sword and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Miroku doing the same, grabbed his bottle of water (Kagome got from her time so he could refill it as many times as he wants) and hurriedly spin the cap off and moaned as the cool substance went down his throat. He sighed in satisfaction and poured some of the water down his back.

"You look exhausted." Inuyasha sneered causing Miroku to roll his eyes and chuckle. "Hey where did the girls go?" Miroku looked up and noticed the girls gone from their spot.

"Maybe Lady Kagome had to go back to her time, Sango and Shippo probably went with her to make sure she got their safety." Inuyasha growled and placed his sword back in its case.

"WHAT?! She just came back a week ago!" He went on all fours and ran away causing Miroku to sigh and stand straight.

He facepalmed and shook his head." T-This is not gonna end well."

Sango stood next to Kagome who looked down at the Well with a frustrated expression. She ran her fingers along the cool surface and sighed. She turned around and sat on the edge. Sango sat down with her.

"Do you wanna tell me now Kagome?" The raven haired girl sighed and nodded slowly. She bit her bottom lip and turned her head to the side, avoiding eye contact with the demon slayer. "Tomorrow is my dad's birthday."

Sango sat there confused and a little surprised. Kagome has never mentioned anything about her father. They had no idea if he died or wasn't in there lives but Sango shook her hand of her thoughts and placed a reassuring hand on her sisters shoulder. "Go on."

Kagome sighed and took in a deep breath. "I know this may seem confusing since I've never talked about my father but the reason for that is...he's an arrogant asshole." A tear slid down her face. "He left me and my mother when I was eight. He said he wanted power, to get stronger to defend us. He said he was afraid of loosing us to a demon." She paused and sniffed. Shippo looked up at Kagome and crawled onto her shoulder and hugged her head causing her to giggle. "Thanks Shippo." He smiled and rubbed her head slowly. "Anyways," Kagome said sighing for the tenth time today. "He said we would leave us for two years, I'm now 19 and he still hasn't returned. They only way he let us know he was alive was the post cards he would send us. My mother would cry every time a postcard came to us. He told my mother that it was gonna take some time getting back home but I don't that." She gripped the bottom of her green sundress tightly.

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