Chapter Five...You fuckers chose her?!

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Koga smiled and waved at everyone. Not fazed by the glare Sesshomaru have him.

"Hey everyone! Sis, how's it hanging?" He ran over towards Kagome and patted her head. He had given up a long time ago for Kagome's attention and just saw her as a sister. But when Inuyasha and the hang he would call her his woman just to piss the dog demon off.

"Sis?" Sango said confused. "I thought you were in love with lady Kagome." Koga shook his head and smirked.

"No, I've given up a long time ago...Just wanted to piss off Inu-trasha." Sango sighed while Miroku shook his head. Sesshomaru scoffed and pulled Koga's arm off Kagome's head.

"I think you have forgotten wolf but Kagome is my sister, not yours." Strange isn't it? Sesshomaru saving that Kagome was his sister even though he hated humans? Funny story actually Sesshomaru was saved by Kagome (twice) first from demon poisoning a female yokai has given him to make him fall in love with her but it only made him really sick. Kagome happened to be passing by and killed the yokai with her bow and nourished the demon back to health.

The second time she saved him was when Sesshomaru was shot at with a paralyzing dart that made him unable to move and when the group was walking by, Inuyasha has seen that as an opportunity to strike and finally kill his brother but Kagome said the magic words and knocked him out and dragged him away. So ever since then, he's referred to Kagome as a sister.  

"Oh I didn't forget but sorry dog breath she's my sister!" Sesshomaru cracked his knuckles and stood up.

"This Sesshomaru thinks you don't know how to quit."

"Oh, yea? Bring it then!"

"Quit it I already have a headache," Kagome said causing them to look at her and immediately sit down.

"Now that that's settled...just how strong are you two?" Sesshomaru and Koga looked towards Saitama and thought for a moment.

"Well, I mostly rely on my feet. I'm ground level strong. Sure my fists are strong enough to rip apart demons but sadly...not Naraku." Saitama nodded and turned towards Sesshomaru.

"...This Sesshomaru has no flaws."

Kagome rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "He's basically the opposite of Koga. He relays on his hands too much which is why his stance and feet are not as strong." Sesshomaru glared at Kagome and she smirked. Saitama nodded and motioned for the two to follow him outside.

"I guess I'll be training you two differently." Koga paused and laughed while pointing his finger at the bald man.

"PFFT PLEASE! WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY TEACH ME?!" Saitama stopped a few feet from the hut and smirked.

"Hold on, let me take my sweater off, I don't wanna ruin it." He held up his arms and pulled up his sweater and tossed his shoes. "Hm...maybe I should take my pants off so I don't ruin them...but then again I'm like 500 years in the past so..." Koga sighed and crossed his arms.

"Come on old man what's takin ya so long?!" Saitama paused and slowly turned towards Koga.

"...Did you just call me...OLD?!" He quickly ran and punched Koga having him fly into the woods. Sesshomaru watched, his head moving as Koga flew high into the air and into the woods. He looked towards Saitama and wasted no time and ran towards him throwing punches left to right. Saitama blocked all of them and went to and spun kicked him having him fall. He then jumped up and punched the demon in the stomach having him crash onto the floor. Koga came running back with a snarl. He ran up and swiped his claws towards the bald man but it had no effect. He then did a handstand and twirl kicked Saitama a few feet before he ran and punched Koga in his stomach having him fly a few feet back and cough out blood.

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