Chapter Four, Kikyo

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Saitama smiled and watched as the group ran around at there top speed. So far Genos was in the lead, then it was surprisingly Kagome, then Miroku, and then Sango. He crossed his arms and watched as Shippo jumped onto his shoulder, sucking on a lollipop.

"Um...Mr. Higurashi?" Saitama looked towards him and smiled.

"Yea?" Shippo blushed in embarrassment and played with his fingers.

"Um...Since Kagome-sama is my mom...does that make you my grandpa?" Saitama looked at him surprised.

"Huh, Yea it would." He smiled back down at him and Shippo cheered hugging his head causing him to laugh. Kagome slowed down her running and looked towards her father and Shippo seeing them hugging each other and laughing. She smiled and closed her eyes, trying to focus on her running.


Kagome's gasped and jumped out of the way as an arrow made its way through the air where her head was just moments ago. She tumbled on the floor and groaned. Genos took notice and stopped and ran into her direction.

"Kagome!" Sango said running faster than Miroku and slid next to her friend. Saitama and Shippo stopped laughing and watched an arrow making its way towards them. The bald male glared and jumped into the air, missing the arrow by inches.

"It's been too long, Kagome."

The raven-haired female glared and stood up from the ground and glared at the figure making its way out of the forest.

"Kikyo," Kagome growled out having the dead priestess smile.

"Come now, what's with the long face?" Kagome glared and balled her hands into fists. Genos stood up and glared at the female before him. Saitama landed next to Kagome and also glared at the female.

"So, you're Kikyo," Saitama said placing Shippo down on his feet. She smirked and nodded.

"Yes, in the flesh." Saitama snickered and placed his hand on Kagome's shoulder and leaned on it.

"Pft, not really." Both he and Kagome laughed causing her to glare. Genos crossed his arms and looked over the dead female.

"Huh...she does look exactly like Kagome, But she's not as pretty." Kikyo glared towards him while Saitama busted out laughing. Kagome giggled and blushed slightly. Sango and Miroku who had been sitting on the grass watching the four decided to get up and back away.

"Anyways," Kikyo said looking to the side. "I'm not here for Kagome." Kagome huffed and crossed her arms.

"That explains why an arrow was shot at my head." Kikyo rolled her eyes and faced towards Kaede's hut.

"Like I said I'm not here for you, I'm here for Inuyasha." Kagome frowned and looked down at her feet. Saitama frowned and hugged his daughter close.

"Inu-trasha is unconscious in the hut." Kikyo frowned and gripped her bow.

"And may I ask why he is unconscious?" The bald male smirked and ruffled Kagome's hair.

"He was being rude to my daughter, so I kicked his ass and here we are." Kikyo glared and quickly brought up her bow and aimed it at his head having him pull Kagome and Shippo behind him.

"How did you manage to knock out a demon? You are..." She looked him up and down. "Human." He smirked and looked up, never taking his golden eyes off of her.

"Do you wanna test that theory out?" Kikyo glared and pulled back on her arrow. Genos glared and got into a running stance, ready to grab the arrow if she did shoot. Everyone went silent. No one spoke and waited for whatever was going to happen.

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