Chapter Two

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3rd Person Pov

Saitama sighed as a red handprint was found on his face. He sat back at the table with his arms crossed. Kagome sat across from him glaring all the while Genos sat on the side looking between the two. Saitama exhaled from his mouth and looked to the side.

"Yea I should have expected this from you," Kagome glared and crossed her arms. Her bow and arrows placed against the wall. "Listen," he placed his elbows on the table and rubbed his forehead. "I knew I should have cake back sooner...but I couldn't. There were people in danger in city Z and-" Kagome's eyes widen in surprise.

"You mean to tell me...YOU LIVED THAT CLOSE AND DECIDED TO NOT VISIT YOUR FAMILY?!" He looked up at her and backed away slightly in fear. She placed her hand on her chest and took in a breath. "Five in.....Five out....." She rubbed her forehead and sat back down in her spot.

"Like I was saying Kagome, there were people that needed my help, if it wasn't for me a couple of times Japan would cease to exist." She huffed and glared.

"I highly doubt that." -Silence- both Kagome and Saitama gave each other a stare down, both refusing to back down. Genos who had been watching turned his attention towards Kagome.

"Your mother has told us you can go back in time...500 years to be precise." She turned towards him and smiled slightly.

"Yes, I can travel back and forth through the well in the shine, I have a duty there I must finish, that is why I'm barely at the house." Genos nodded and placed his hand under his chin.

"What duty do you have to complete? And I've been scanning you, you seem to have a genetic power that I cannot explain." Saitama paused and looked towards Kagome, worry held within his eyes. She sighed and explained what happened to her when she was 17 and how she was attacked by a centipede demon while out searching for Buyo and how she met Inuyasha and her friends and her travels and Naraku, and how she fell in love with Inuyasha and his old lover Kikyo showing up, and meeting up with Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Koga, and Sesshomaru. When she was finished Saitama immediately stood up and walked out into the backyard.

"Where are you going?!" Kagome called out but already knowing where he was heading.

"I'm killing that son of a bitch Naraku! That's what I'm going to do! And I'm destroying that bastard INUYASHA! Who decided to break my daughter's heart!" Kagome sighed and stood up along with Genos and followed her out into the backyard seeing Saitama jumping into the well but no blue hue surrounded him. "What the hell?! Why isn't it working?!" She shook her head and peered over the well seeing her father stomp on the floor. "LET ME THROUGH! LET ME THROUGH!" She rolled her eyes and looked towards Genos who placed his fingers to his chin.

"Shouldn't he be gone by now? Why hasn't he gone back to the past yet?" Kagome sighed and rubbed her head. "Since he is your father and you both share the same genetic genes and blood type, shouldn't he be able to go through?" She shook her head and crossed her arms.

"No he cannot go through, Only I can since I'm the reincarnation of Kikyo and the protector of the Shikon no Tama." He nodded and watched her from the corner of his eyes. She was quite mysterious, yes but, he felt something else while looking at her. He couldn't describe it and it was getting on his nerves. "I'm going to leave the day after tomorrow! And I'll take you along with me alright?" Saitama looked up toward her and crossed his arms with a huff. "Great, now that you're done with your temper tantrum, why don't you come up here and I'll make tea?" He nodded and jumped out of the well and landed right next to her.


Kagome huffed as she read over the latest messages of her friends in their group chat. She read them all thoroughly and only huffed in annoyance as some of them were about Hojo and how they should get together. She simply rolled her eyes and quickly texted her friend back.

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