3 ✈️

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after jungkook had left to go to maths, taehyung sat there by himself, probably daydreaming about his lover.

it was so surreal that he finally talked to jungoook. hearing his voice for the first time was so magical, so...exciting. taehyung definitely wanted to hear his voice more, but he was probably never going to get the opportunity to, as he was only there to help him with some homework.

taehyung didn't even notice yoongi sitting down next to him, maybe because he was quiet or maybe because he was thinking too much about bunny and hadn't realised the reality.

"what you doing?" yoongi asked inquisitively.

"thinking." taehyung responded, not even looking at yoongi.

"guess i'll just leave you to it then." yoongi said whilst walking away, shooting one last smile at the boy.

taehyung smiled back, and went back to thinking about his lover with a wide grin spread across his face.

• • •

however, jimin, stomped off to go find yoongi's 'squad'. he noticed yoongi left the class shortly after but went down to the library, maybe to recollect his thoughts or something weird like that.

but jimin was boiling with anger, to the point where he didn't even care if he was making a fool out of himself anymore. he was partly doing this for yoongi, but mostly for jungkook. it was just such an annoyance that he got picked on by the idiots and jimin just wasn't having it anymore.

coincidentally, jimin walked past jungkook's maths classroom and smiled gently when he saw jungkook working hard with his maths. guess he finally just took some kind of interest to it and got on with it.

that calmed him a bit, but jimin was still exceptionally mad. he was going to find those stupid boys and put them in their place, once and for all.

• • •

jungkook, looked like he didn't need help, but he was really struggling in maths. the people sat next to him were surprisingly dumber than him so they couldn't help at all.

jungkook tried his best to do the work but it was just way too hard. he didn't know the quadratic formula or any of that shit. why would he even bother learning something like that when he knew he wasn't going to use it any time soon? jungkook officially hated maths...even more.

"jungkook dude." mark nudged him, making jungkook lose all of his concentration and effort.

"what the fuck man? what do you want?" jungkook asked in clear anger.

"help me on question 1 dude, i've been on it for like half an hour." marks voice turned to a whisper because he was quite scared of this side of jungkook.

"fine." jungkook said, going through the question with mark.

but then, someone else tapped him. it came to the left of jungkook.

"hey kook, mind helping me on this?" youngjae said, expressionless face.

jungkook clenched his fists but agreed. now he sat there helping two boys on completely different questions when he could be doing his own work.

• • •

taehyung was still sat in the library, thinking now about all the things he could've said to jungkook.

"are you seeing anyone?"

"do you think i'm cute?"

"can i come over one day?"

obviously, taehyung wasn't going to ask those questions, but what would happen if he did? jungkook would probably say no to all of them anyway. like anyone would think he's cute...and why would jungkook let an acquaintance into his house? exactly, he wouldn't.

taehyung got up, pins and needles in his legs, and went to his next lesson, which he was forty minutes late for.

taehyung didn't really care about school, sometimes he'd be in the mood, other times he wouldn't. it was just one of those days that he couldn't be bothered doing lessons, so he tried to miss them all.

obviously, he was going to get detention for that, but do you really think taehyung went to detention? no, he just used his charm which he didn't even know existed. teachers instantly fell in love with taehyung and let him go home.

but one teacher was sick of him, mr.lee. taehyung was ALWAYS late for his art class, and he was way behind all the other students so taehyung sometimes had to spend his free time doing art.

taehyung didn't really mind art, he quite enjoyed it. but it didn't matter because if he wasn't in the mood, he didn't like any of his lessons.

'ugh bunny, please save me from this hell.' taehyung rolled his eyes, bracing himself for yet another telling-off from mr.lee.

• • •

jimin walked all the way over to the fountain, which yoongi said they'll be. and expectedly, they were there, sitting there thinking they were hard but in fact, they just looked like fools.

jimin walked over, not once breaking his stride, making him appear more confident. the boys had heard of jimin, yoongi's ex. they didn't really tend to interfere with him because yoongi never wanted them to, but today they would.

"hello." jimin said with no emotion. he was attempting to keep his anger locked away for now.

"what have we got here?" seokjin, the leader, said in a funny tone.

"seokjin, let me deal with this midget." namjoon laughed, pushing jin back down to his place.

"any of you could try to, but you know i am stronger than you right? mentally and physically." jimin tilted his head, making all of them gulp. even if jimin didn't look scary, he definitely was not to be messed with.

"i'm sick of you messing with jungkook, okay?"
jimin turned soft when he said his name, giving him a disadvantage.

"tut tut, you came here for your little boyfriend? sorry, no can do." hoseok spoke up, smiling brightly.

"no, actually. i came here for yoongi too. yoongi's sick of you all, he hates you guys. so just leave him alone, stop making peoples lives worse and go and make your own. how about that huh?" jimin stated, the three of them looking taken aback by his powerful words.

jimin smiled, he knew he'd done it.

• • •


yeeyee jimin is one smol but powerful man yall.

- holly.

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