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jungkook pressed send on the message, fingers sweating as he put the phone down. he was so nervous for what might happen because he'd never replied to him before. it was always meant to be that way, airplane boy would text him and he wouldn't reply.

then it happened. panic overtook jungkook and he instantly deleted the message which gladly, airplane boy hadn't read.

'he must be busy.' jungkook thought.

he didn't know if he'd made the right decision to delete the message, but he did it because airplane boy might never text him again.

• • •

taehyung sat there, overwhelmed as he flipped through pages of music. he had to learn a guitar piece for the exam and it was way too difficult for him. maybe jimin could help, seeing as he was good at music.

*taehyung 🤪

- hey jimin, i'm fucking panicking right now so you better tell me these notes.

*jimin 💙

hold up, you don't even know the notes? -

*taehyung 🤪

- of course i do, it's just the piece making them look hard. here i'll send a photo.

 here i'll send a photo

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*jimin 💙

okay wow, that does look hard. facetime me and i'll stay up with you so you can do it -

*taehyung 🤪

- okay 😆

the two of them finally figured the piece out after several hours of hard work. they were definitely going to look dead at school tomorrow but it was totally worth it. taehyung was gonna ace the exam.

• • •

jungkook couldn't get to sleep that night. all he thought about was the text. what if he had seen the notification? he twisted once more onto the other side of the bed. it was going to be a strange day at school tomorrow. jungkook's teachers were so sick of him that they wanted him to try something new. it turns out no matter how hard he tried with maths, he couldn't ever get it. he even made mark and youngjae get theirs wrong too.

tomorrow, jungkook was trying out music, drama and art. he thought they were weird choices but his teachers thought he might fit in better with those options. he didn't know why he picked stuff he wasn't good at anyway. maths? jungkook was good at that in high school, therefore the choice of picking it. another thing he did was cooking. jungkook thought it was going to be fun but it was impossible. he only did it once a week as he spent most of his time doing maths. the last thing he picked was english. to put it simply, he was quite rubbish at it. why couldn't he have picked normal options?

jungkook was nervous yet excited for tomorrow. airplane boy could be in those classes...jimin could be in those classes...yoongi could be in those classes! he couldn't wait to find out who he was going to be sat next to..

jungkook forgot all about the text and fell asleep, ready for the next day.

• • •

both jimin and taehyung woke half an hour late, making them miss half of their first lesson, music. kidding, they didn't miss any lessons, but they had less time to get ready.

taehyung decided to put no makeup on today; which was quite a risky choice. he was quite insecure of his looks but unfortunately, he didn't have time to apply any makeup whatsoever.

he slipped on some random clothes and headed out the door, expecting to see jimin across the street. they did live quite near to each other so jimin agreed to walk around the block and meet taehyung outside his house.

he was there, which made taehyung sigh in relief. he really thought it was going to be a bad day today, but in fact, he was wrong.

they met up and walked to school quickly, the small conversation going on.

"how's the piece?" jimin asked, smile appearing because of all the hard work he and taehyung had done last night.

"i practised it last night a bit more, it's going good. but i haven't practised it this morning so it might go bad..." they both knew taehyung had rubbish memory, but jimin was just hoping he wouldn't mess it up for the both of them.

• • •

jungkook looked at the paper his teachers had given him. G1, music? yes, jungkook was excited about music. he'd tried it out in the past and it seemed like he was alright at singing. it was a fun hobby of his and it'd be really cool if he could make it a passion.

jungkook bumped into someone along the way, not just one person, but two. at first, the pair didn't recognise jungkook because their vision was still blurry due to staying up all night.

then taehyung's vision went clear, and he realised that bunny was stood right there, in front of him.

instantly, taehyung's face boiled up, confusing jungkook.

"the cute boy from yesterday?" jungkook asked laughing.

"y-yeah..." taehyung basically whispered.


"what lesson you guys heading to?" jungkook asked to the both of them, jimin only now knowing it was jungkook.

"music, why are you here? shouldn't you be in maths right now?" jimin asked.

taehyung was kind of jealous at the fact jimin knew a lot about him. HE wanted to know the lessons he went to, what he did in his spare time...

"oh, that's great! i can sit next to you then, i've got music too." jungkook smiled, placing his arms around both of their shoulders and walking to music.

• • •


hehe, how's music going to go? is jungkook going to enjoy his new lessons?

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